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Illinois Judge Orders Mockery of Marriage To Begin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Illinois Judge Orders Mockery of Marriage To Begin

November 26, 2013



THE transparent fraud of same-sex “marriage” becomes more transparent by the day. A federal judge in Illinois has ordered Cook County to issue a “marriage” license to a terminally ill pervert and her pervert friend immediately, months before the legal absurdity of same-sex “marriage” becomes official in June. Aw, shucks. Isn’t that sweet? What a caring judge. What a beautiful couple. Presumably, this “marriage” will come with material advantages for the pervert left behind after her friend’s death. Expect to see many of these “marriages” in the future. Want your friend’s Social Security benefits? Just get married.

Look yourself in the mirror, my friend. And say to yourself, “I live in a society in which the institution of the family has been destroyed.”

— Comments —

A reader writes:

But as Chesterton says, “This triangle of truisms, of father, mother and child, cannot be destroyed; it can only destroy those civilizations which disregard it.”

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