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The Puritanical Feminist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Puritanical Feminist

November 15, 2013


SAM writes:

The article you quote about women who find casual sex unsatisfying is illustrative of a moral outlook that exhibits all of the worst traits associated with the illiberal “vice” of “Puritanism.” The term “Puritanism” as liberals use it is difficult to define, but it often means something equivalent to “willingness to inflict or allow gratuitous pain and suffering in the interests of some trivial moral aim.” And here we have feminists exhibiting it in spades.

Most women who haven’t become utterly wanton feel degraded and used by casual sexual encounters. They don’t derive any pleasure from them, because female sexuality isn’t as psychologically compartmentalized and viscerally appetative as male sexuality. It is more holistic and relational. What they want is personal affirmation from a male, and in our feminism-wrecked social climate they often have no choice but to settle for transient sexual affirmation.

Acknowledging this would force us to recognize that women and men are in at least one respect fundamentally different. And acknowledging that women and men are in this way fundamentally different would force us to admit that they are naturally suited for different social roles. And if they are naturally suited for different social roles, then feminism rests upon a mistake.

Rather than acknowledge the mistake, the feminist prioritizes the moral imperative of equalizing the sexes and erasing gender differences. Thus, women must be encouraged to inflict gratuitous pain and suffering upon themselves in the form of continuing to participate in a liberated sexual culture. They must do this to promote interests of the trivial moral aim of demonstrating the equality and interchangeability of the genders. Ergo, feminists qualify as “Puritanical” according to their own pejorative use of the term “Puritanical.”

You write that these feminists are not rational creatures. I would quibble with that- I would say that they are in fact hyper-rational because they are following their psychotic ideology to its logical conclusion rather than intuiting their way out of it via some non-logical but sane sense of moral incongruity. Their psychotic conclusion states that women must act against their nature and degrade themselves, because otherwise the egalitarian moral imperative would rest upon a mistake. And because the egalitarian feminist moral imperative is paramount, into the spiritual gas chamber of sexual dysfunction and promiscuity the typical woman must go.

These feminists have to encourage women to destroy themselves spiritually in order to save them from The Patriarchy.

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