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When Wives Are Wife-Beaters Too « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Wives Are Wife-Beaters Too

November 15, 2013


ALEX writes:

The keepers of the Revolution are trying to figure out how to deal with the astonishing rates of “domestic” abuse among cohabitating homosexuals and lesbians. That’s a real problem when there is no straight male to be the a priori guilty party.

— Comments —

Sam writes:

Lawrence Auster once wrote a post called “Why the Truth about Black Dysfunction is so Important.” In that post, he outlined why it is essential for the white majority to realize that it is not the cause of black failure because only then can it confidently re-assert norms of self-restraint, industriousness and orderliness that were once the underpinnings of Western Civilization.

I think we can make an analogous point, on the basis of articles like this one, as to “Why the Truth about Homosexual Dysfunction is so Important.” The reason homosexuality has made such enormous strides in recent years is because the media and the liberal establishment have assiduously concealed the social reality of homosexuality from public view. We are treated instead to a steady bombardment of hip, happy, functional homosexual couples in the mold of “Will and Grace” or perhaps a jocular, catty, and otherwise harmless pattern-cutter or gourmand on the Bravo network. The seedy underside of homosexuality has been carefully concealed from John and Jane Q. Public. Hence we never are allowed to see the rampant serial promiscuity, domestic violence, mental imbalance, alcohol and drug abuse, covert paedophilia, and pathological narcissism which are all so prominent among the homosexuals themselves.

To the extent that these characteristically homosexual dysfunctions are talked about openly, it is usually for the purpose of blaming them upon Judeo-Christian sexual morality. Just as black violence, criminality, and incompetence are routinely “explained” as being a consequence of white “racism”, so too are homosexual psycho pathologies and their consequences “explained” as being the result of Judeo-Christian “bigotry.”

Nevertheless, you will see in the comments section of that article at The Atlantic that one of the top-rated comments concisely makes the point that domestic violence is a problem intrinsic to homosexuality and has nothing to do with white Christian bigotry. We can see a similar phenomenon in local news stories about black crime, where the comment boxes are often saturated with commentators who are eager to point out the duplicity of the reporting.

At this point in time, it seems to me that the liberal narrative on race has more cracks in it than the liberal narrative on homosexuality. The lies about black dysfunction are so many, and so egregious, that the dysfunction can no longer be wholly concealed from public view. Similarly, I hypothesize, as homosexuals become more accepted and more able to publicly express themselves, it will become more difficult for the liberal establishment to maintain the official lies about their behaviors. As with black dysfunction, so too with homosexual dysfunction.

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