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A Diverse Air Force — Or Else « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Diverse Air Force — Or Else

December 18, 2013



DOUGLAS writes:

This is the type of garbage our military is now forcing down the throats of our men in uniform. Diversity is our strength. That is so ridiculous. No wonder Obama is getting rid of generals and keeping only this type around.

What will the military be like in 10 years?

— Comments —

Jeanette V. writes:

Looking at the video and seeing the battle dress uniform reminded me of a recent incident in the supermarket. I was shopping and passed one woman in her flannel pajama bottoms. Pushing my buggy up another aisle, I noticed a big man in his jammies and I started to get disgusted when I realized he was in his BDU’s, not his pajamas.

Somehow a simple thing like a military uniform being mistaken for pajamas says it all about today’s military.

 A reader writes:

“Diversity is our strength” has been the military mindset for quite awhile. It was Gen. Casey’s reassurance to everyone after the slaughter at Ft. Hood. I’m sure it made the victims’ families feel better.

Buck writes:

Like the general of social services in jammies said: “If you don’t feel that you can be a part of that culture change, it’s time to look for a different job.” It’s nothing more than a job. The general is ordering a career-defining obedience to a social policy that supercedes the long-standing stated mission of the United States Air Force.

“The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and win …”, based on three core competencies from which six distinctive capabilities are developed, based on three core values. Nowhere, in those pages, is “diversity” even mentioned, much less explained, not even in “core” values. In fact, a forced diversity, which is what this is, directly contradicts a host of propositions. Lip service is paid to our Constitution (another stark contradiction), and sensitivity to the environment is expressed.

“Fly, Fight, Win”? More like “Flighty, Whiny, Spin.”

Laura writes:

Notice how in his little kindergarten speech, with its thinly-veiled hostility, Welsh places an emphasis on “clearly” when he says diversity clearly benefits the Air Force. The word is a total lie, which is why he emphasizes it. He believes he can simply order the Air Force to benefit from diversity, when it clearly does not serve its core mission at all.

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