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An Uncommon Nativity Scene « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Uncommon Nativity Scene

December 16, 2013



down syndrome in art painting large

IN AN AGE when children with Down Syndrome — children who might bring so much joy and meaning to the world — are routinely killed in the womb, this 16th-century Nativity painting, which clearly depicts two people with the familiar traits of the syndrome, is especially beautiful. Erna Albertz works for Rifton, a company that makes products for the disabled. She writes about the painting:

In 1515 the painting “The Adoration of the Christ Child,” was created by a follower of the Dutch painter Jan Joest of Kalkar. A close look at the artwork reveals two characters who appear to have Down syndrome. One a shepherd–looking down at the scene from behind a post at the center of the painting–and the other an angel standing beside the mother Mary, these two participants in the nativity are situated in what would seem to be places of honor. Because the painter is unknown, his motive for placing them there can only be surmised. He may have had a child with Down syndrome or simply known individuals with the condition. At that time, the syndrome also may not have been formally diagnosed as it is today. What seems beyond doubt is that he felt they belonged there, in the midst of the holy scene.

— Comments —

Robin writes:

I saw this lovely piece of artwork a few months ago through a link on facebook.  It is the only piece of artwork I have seen depicting people with the characteristic facial features of Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome.  How lovely that it is a nativity scene.

As the mother of a precious infant son with Down syndrome, it warms my heart to see this and know the heart of God toward people with Trisomy 21.  This is especially true, as my husband and I have been shocked by family and friends who purport to be Christians and actually make comments such as:  “Are you DONE yet? (are we done having children now that we have one with Ds) and “If you had married younger, you wouldn’t have this” and other such nonsense.  Most people know nothing of Down syndrome and are horribly confused and ignorant about the presence of a third copy of the twenty-first chromosome and what this truly means for the person with the diagnosis.

It is not a disease, or a cruel curse.  Clearly, the heart of God is of Love toward all – regardless of the number of chromosomes.  Thank you for sharing this artwork.  Blessings to you this Christmas and always!

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Merry Christmas to you.

I believe people make those comments to you because the sight of you with your children makes them jealous. They sense they lack the same capacity to love. They perceive their own hard-heartedness and may even hate you for reminding them of it.

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