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Bergoglio Bomb of the Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bergoglio Bomb of the Day

December 23, 2013



THERE IS only one way that Jorge Bergoglio could possibly disguise the fact that he is anti-Catholic, and that is by keeping his mouth shut, which is something the Argentine Bomber could not possibly do. For he has the attention of the whole world and appears to be intoxicated by it. His loquacity is the loquacity of the least humble of men.

The Man Who Would Be Pope launched another verbal detonation against the Church yesterday, this time by making an outrageously blasphemous statement about the Mother of God. Just in time for Christmas. Read about it at Novus Ordo Watch.

— Comments —

James writes:

I’m not an expert, but I don’t think it’s correct to call the Blessed Virgin Mary, Co-Redemptrix. See this.

Also in Pope Pius X’s encyclical, the word Co-Redemptrix doesn’t show up. In Chapter Twelve, the word “reparatrix” is used; it’s not the same thing is it?

 Laura writes:

You are referring to Novus Ordo Watch’s use of the term, which does seem wrong and does not appear in the encyclical to which the website links.

Michael S. writes:

I recommend this book.

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