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Corporate Big Brother Loves Womyn « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Corporate Big Brother Loves Womyn

December 16, 2013


M. P. writes:

I work for a major multinational insurance and financial services company, located here at one of our main offices in Big City, Canada. We just moved to a new location, where we are treated to, among other things, huge-screen TVs, tuned all day long to the Business News Network (BNN). The fact that we have to constantly listen to the steady hum of talking heads would be annoying enough (my desk being ten feet away from one of these monitors), but what’s all the worse is that BNN is essentially CNN, with a focus on business. In other words, it’s hopelessly left-wing. Right now, they are having all-day coverage on the awful reality that “Most Canadian executives aren’t worried about the proportion of women on corporate boards and in executive ranks in Canada.”

All-day coverage! I was able to get up and get a coffee earlier, but I’m going to be subjected to this at various points in the day, all day long!

I am surrounded by women and girlie-men who see nothing wrong with (1) the thesis that women have to be represented at levels of full equality in the workforce, and (2)  exposing red-blooded males to thinly-veiled insults to their manhood.

As for (1) it seems that people cannot conceive that women have something men do not have, namely, a womb, in which they and only they can carry children. Is that bit of inequality “unfair?” And might there not be any merit to the idea that women are “hard-wired” to want to stay home and fulfill the ultimate vocation of raising children? Ah, but to mention such a thing to my colleagues would subject me to idiotic conversations that I have no patience for. People are not rational to begin with, but now that they’ve been indoctrinated with the liberal religion, there is hardly any reasoning with them at all.

As for (2), whininess meets triumphalism makes for a nauseating recipe. I feel like I’m on the receiving end of gloating – like a quarterback whose been tackled and now is forced to witness the sack dance of his opponents. All the momentum, all the benefits of the doubt, are in the direction of women (and non-white men, for that matter). I know, I know, now I sound like the one who’s whining. How weird is that?

I despair for our civilization. My neighborhood is becoming increasingly Muslim, with a big mosque and all manner of Halal pizzerias popping up. They don’t have any use for our way of life, and who can blame them? They’re breeding, they’re perpetuating their satanic worldview, and they have the benefit of moral certitude with being a protected class against whom nothing can be said by our liberal overlords.

— Comments —

Pan Dora writes:


With regard to the lack of concern of Canadian executives regarding how many women are on corporate boards and in executive ranks in Canada, perhaps MP could turn this alleged negative into a positive. Just tell the co-workers that perhaps the executives are too occupied actually doing their jobs to be spending a lot of time worrying about it.

Just got through with a massive building project which involved a lot of money matters. I’d be rather concerned if all the bank officers of either gender were devoting too much time to this sort of thing. They have jobs to do.

Laura writes:

Promoting feminism is a major mission of corporate America. So for him to complain that he doesn’t have time for it is no defense.

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