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European Bestseller Encourages Wifely Submission « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

European Bestseller Encourages Wifely Submission

December 20, 2013


TEXANNE writes:

An Italian woman, Costanza Miriano, has written a book so threatening that the Spanish Health Minister (apparently a woman) is calling for it to be banned.

In this BBC interview, the writer mentions that she has also written a book for men, Marry Her and Die for Her, but the interviewer quickly changes the subject before this part of the marital relationship can be discussed. :-)

—- Comments —

Buck writes:

What a terrific interview. Clearly the mindless interviewer resented the utterly charming Costanza Miriano’s traditionalist view of marriage, before this interview. She allowed Costanza Miriano a fair amount of (TV) time to explain her view. The interruption by the question “do you understand why the book has made so many women around the world so angry?” is simply and plainly inane. Everything that Costanza Miriano just said explained what she means by “submission”, and should have caused the brain-dead or committed interviewer to delete the transparantly stupid question from her note pad. The interviewer was either oblivious to what Miriano just got finished saying or she was there specifically to represent the many angry women around the world and had to say it. I thought it beautiful in its clarity.

Jeanette writes:

Costanza Miriano has a blog and writes about some of the very silly questions she gets when she is interviewed it can be put into Google translate and one get the gist of it.

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