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Feminists in Argentina « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminists in Argentina

December 5, 2013



FOR the second time, feminists in San Juan, Argentina taunt and attack Catholics protecting the cathedral from vandalism. LifesiteNews has the story.

The [topless] women, many of them topless, spray-painted the men’s crotches and faces and swastikas on their chests and foreheads, using markers to paint their faces with Hitler-like moustaches. They also performed obscene sexual acts in front of them and pushed their breasts onto their faces, all the while shouting “get your rosaries out of our ovaries.”


After unsuccessfully trying to get into the building, the women burned a human-sized effigy of Pope Francis. “If the pope were a woman, abortion would be legal,” they shouted.

— Comments —

Adam writes:

I followed your link to the LifesiteNews article and watched the video there. It’s hard for me to understand what would possess these women to behave in such a reprehensible manner? Maybe they are literally possessed by evil spirits? I used not to believe in such things, but now I’m beginning to wonder. I applaud those men for standing strong to protect the cathedral from vandalism. From what I could see, the men never responded in word or deed to the vile attackers (no, I won’t call these women “protestors”); the men simply stood their ground while locked in arms and never lowered themselves to the level of these obscene harridans.

As I was watching the video, I wondered where were the police while this was occurring? Are physical assault and indecent exposure considered valid, legally protected forms of protest in Argentina? Spraying chemical paints on the faces and clothes of the men guarding the cathedral was criminal behavior. The “women” (can I call them that after they seem to have lost all femininity and beauty through their extremely ugly conduct?) should have been arrested on the spot and prosecuted. The fact that the police seem to have done nothing to stop this shows a breakdown of civil society.

Laura writes:

I initially titled the entry “Feminist Protestors in Argentina,” and then I realized that “protestors” was an entirely inappropriate word. They are thugs.

Jeanette V. writes:

I saw the unedited version of the video. These women look demon-possessed.

Leo Walker writes:

I watched the unexpurgated video, alas. Utterly horrifying. I had the impression that they were participating in a sort of bacchanal; they certainly seemed to be seized by a corybantic frenzy. Not content with celebrating the human sacrifice of unborn babies they must also desecrate those who guard the Church, her holy teaching and her sacred spaces. I confess that as much as I admire the patient suffering of these men I would have been well pleased if at some point they had broken ranks and put the lot of them to the sword.

Kevin M. writes:

“End of Men” my fat Irish [posterior.] It is clearly and plainly women who are circling the drain.

Study zoology. It is the female of the species that determines the behavior of the male. Not the other way around.

If women decided that men whose feet were above their hands were sexually desirable, within 30 days half of the planet would be upside-down.

Feminism is Democracy’s cancer.

You like Democracy? Kill feminism. And the 19th Amendment.

Alex writes:

Kevin M. wrote:

Feminism is Democracy’s cancer.

You like Democracy? Kill feminism. And the 19th Amendment.

No, I don’t like democracy. What does the universal right to elect legislators have to do with liberty and traditional society, other than destroying them everywhere that it has been tried? I understand conservatives worshipping democracy, but traditionalists should know better.

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