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Indian Court Upholds Law Criminalizing Sodomy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Indian Court Upholds Law Criminalizing Sodomy

December 13, 2013


YOU can read about the Indian Supreme Court’s decision this week here. The law, first adopted in 1861 under British colonial rule, imposes a ten-year sentence for any act of “carnal intercourse against the order of nature with man, woman or animal.”

— Comments —

Diana writes:

India is also cracking down on reproductive prostitution surrogacy:

I send this article for information purposes only. The way the subject is framed is the usual homosexual special pleading.

One day, God willing, India will end the whole wretched business, but this is a step in the right direction.

I don’t single India out for opprobrium. It is merely that with its gigantic population, so many of whom are desperate, the reproductive prostitution surrogacy business was especially large. One day I’ll send you stuff about the exploitation of military wives, who allegedly form the largest population of brood mares for infertile couples and homosexuals.

Paulurai writes:

It was indeed a courageous and historic verdict from the Supreme Court of India. Despite severe pressure from mainstream media, elites, special interest groups, liberal politicians and central (lead by Congress party) government to legalize sexual perversions such as homosexuality in India, Supreme Court Justices stood with the silent majority of Indian citizens who believe in British colonial (Christian) moral values.

As an Indian Christian, I salute and honor these two justices for their moral conviction and for their bold decision to uphold Section 377 of Indian law which criminalizes homosexual behavior.  The Parliament of India lead by the Congress Party provided tacit support to the homosexual agenda without being held accountable. That is the reason, they have requested unaccountable and unelected judges to decide on the constitutional validity of Section 377 instead of debating the law on the floor of Parliament. The Supreme Court justices clearly articulated in the verdict that it was the responsibility of Parliament to enact, amend and delete a law, NOT the judiciary.

Here is an example mass hysteria and the illusion of mass protest manufactured by mainstream secular media on the issue.

Do not be deceived…

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