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Vox Clara « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Vox Clara

December 13, 2013


Lucy_St_Altarpiece_LOTTO, Lorenzo

St. Lucy Altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto, 1532

“VOX Clara Ecce Intonat,” or “A Thrilling Voice by Jordan Rings,” is another beautiful Advent hymn. It was composed in the sixth century. Notice once again the stirring lyrics. O, we of little faith. If only we could have a modicum of the courage of St. Lucy, whose martyrdom is honored today. If only we could hear that thrilling voice.

A THRILLING voice by Jordan rings,
rebuking guilt and darksome things:
vain dreams of sin and visions fly;
Christ in His might shines forth on high.

Now let each torpid soul arise,
that sunk in guilt and wounded lies;
see! the new Star’s refulgent ray
shall chase disease and sin away.

Giovanni Vanini performs the ancient hymn here.

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