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Who Are the Worst Bullies of Fags? Fags! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Who Are the Worst Bullies of Fags? Fags!

December 6, 2013


NEW STATISTICS show that two out of three sodomites infected with HIV continue to have “unprotected sex.” Thus many homosexuals continue to be exposed to a deadly disease by other homosexuals. As the blogger Mundabor writes:

It boggles the mind. It squarely makes of fags the enemy number one of fags, their own willed target for potentially deadly infections. Gaystapo as it breathes and sodomises.

What people still seem not to understand (because they don’t know jack of God, sin, or the devil) is how damaged the soul of an homosexual already is. … [U]nless we understand the gravity of this truly satanical perversion we wil not be able to understand its consequences. Only people firmly in the hand of the devil can be so astonishingly, diabolically self-centred as to put not even their own pleasure, but merely its maximum enjoyment at a premium over other people’s health and perhaps life.

The idea that homosexual culture will ever embrace “unprotected sex” is ludicrous. The culture is based, after all, upon uninhibited sexual indulgence. Don’t you love that bureaucratic phrase: “Unprotected sex?” Every act of anal intercourse is unprotected. Forgive my bluntness, but anal tissues were not designed to be roughed up. They are very different from vaginal tissues. They easily tear, exposing the body to bacteria and viruses. They are in close contact with dangerous bodily wastes. The anus was meant to be an exit way only, not an entryway. The anal passage is homophobic. And nothing can ever be done to change that. Millions of men have died prematurely and suffered all kinds of physical atrocities, including anal cancer, because of violations against this anatomical region. We supposedly live in a medically enlightened age and yet the rudiments of biology are denied every day in The New York Times. The liberal obsesses about secondhand smoke and then applauds the far more unhealthy acts of the sodomite.

— Comments —

Oscar writes:

The temporal irony wasn’t lost on me – on Monday this week, the homosexual lobby began the latest drive to be allowed to donate blood. On Tuesday, a survey was published, by the CDC, which found that in the preceding 12months, 2/3 of homosexuals had engaged in unprotected anal intercourse (which is medically verified as the biggest source of HIV transmission in the developed world).

So, we have a subgroup of the population who are engaging in a practice that spreads an incurable blood borne disease fighting for the right to donate blood. See here and here.

It’s also worth noting that this dangerous sexual practice is not reflected in medical insurance premiums – in the name of equality.

In a similar vein, when the homosexual lobby are pushing the ‘equality’ agenda, they throw out spurious data suggesting upwards of 10% of the population are homosexual.

The CDC report was interesting: presumably, on realizing that this didn’t look good for the homosexual ‘community,’ someone helpfully added a line that they represent only a tiny proportion of the overall population: “noted that the population of men having sex with men (MSM) is a small proportion of the US population; however, this group represents the majority of people diagnosed with HIV.”

I am sure you can see the point I am making about how the proportion of the population that engages in such behaviors can change subject to political expediency.

Eric writes:

I had a grade school chum once who grew up into a homosexual man after I had moved away and dropped out of touch. I returned to my boyhood town and inquired about him. Not only had he grown up homosexual, he was frequently in trouble with the law (petty theft). However, his family accepted his homosexuality and his partner as they thought they must. He died in his early 30’s of an overdose of a drug his partner gave him to relax his anal sphincter to make their sex act more pleasurable.

Under their standing agreement, the partner was included in family events. Including funerals. He showed up.

Sometimes acceptance is more awkward than exclusion.

Alex writes:

Before homosexuals became one of the Left’s most effective shock forces against traditional society and thus a viciously protected group, even the New York Times described AIDS as a disease of homosexuals. It even used the abbreviation GRID, for gay-related immunodeficiency, and discussed the theory, based on experiments on mice, that “the immunological disorder may be triggered by the introduction of sperm or seminal fluid into the blood through sexual contact”.

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