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Another Movie about the Evil, Evil Past « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another Movie about the Evil, Evil Past

January 29, 2014



 AT Crisis Magazine, there is a review by William Kirkpatrick of the movie Philomena. The movie, which I have not seen, is about an unwed teenager who gave birth to a boy in a Catholic convent in Ireland in the 1950s. The boy is later put up for adoption by the nuns. Kirkpatrick says the message of the film is out-of-date. The comment after the review by a reader named John O’Neill is worth noting (though I don’t agree with the last line):

The Irish past has become a whipping post for the modern American democrat/liberal; it is the example of the terrible conditions that the Church forced on the unsuspecting Irish. Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes became a best seller among Americans especially Irish Americans because it dwelt on the horrible living conditions inflicted on the poor suffering Irish by the Catholic Church. Irish Americans love this version of their narrative history. In fact Ireland in 1955 was a very poor country and the parents of a pregnant teenage girl had no means to support her and the baby because in many cases they still had babies at home of their own. The nuns were the only social agencies available in the country and they judged that the child would have had a better chance of survival in an adoption especially an adoption to America the land of milk and honey. Fast forward to 2014 Ireland has many social agencies financed by a government flushed with EU money and Irish girls have been taught that there is no disadvantage to have as many illegitimate children as it is often a means of obtaining a government check and government council house ; the Irish rate of illegitimacy is now equal to that of any American big city. So now the Americans who would have advised the young teenager to abort the child display their moral superiority over a fifty year old social mores by blabbing about how cruel the Church has always been to people in poor countries. There is also the hidden message in most American cultural media that fornication is not only not evil but it is a highly regarded virtue; in America the single mother is now revered on the same level that earlier ages honored the Virgin Mary. A perverted culture like America has no right to cast stones at any other culture especially when one realizes the impact of ninety million abortions performed in the name of the American people by their government over the past forty years. A poor girl who loses her child to adoption is not the moral equivalent of ninety million butchered babies and America has become the culture of the Evil One and the everyday Americans who continue to buy into this demonic culture are no better than those who carry out the orders of the abortion loving government which the Americans have gleefully put into the hall of power. America delenda est.

— Comments —

N.W. writes:

Liberalisma delenda est.

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