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Assisted Suicide Legal in New Mexico « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Assisted Suicide Legal in New Mexico

January 19, 2014


Aja Riggs

Aja Riggs

BY judicial fiat, New Mexico has become the fifth state in America in which assisted suicide is legal. Aja Riggs, 49, was one of the plaintiffs in a case which successfully overturned the state’s assisted suicide statute. She has advanced uterine cancer. She was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the well-funded pro-suicide organization Compassion and Choices, an offshoot of the Hemlock Society. Second Judicial Judge Nan Nash ruled earlier this week that under the state constitution, terminally ill citizens have a right to receive help in ending their lives. Once again, the most extreme and inhuman views become institutionalized by a judge. She wrote:

“This court cannot envision a right more fundamental, more private or more integral to the liberty, safety and happiness of a New Mexican than the right of a competent, terminally ill patient to choose aid in dying,” the judge wrote.

Got that? Suicide is “integral” to safety and happiness.

Compassion and Choices rivals the pro-homosexual It Gets Better Project for the prize of most deceptively named organization in America.

In this video, Aja Riggs describes her cancer diagnosis and her desire to commit suicide. She makes no mention of hospice services and the very strong possibility of remaining pain-free in the final stages of her illness. One gets the impression that what she is seeking most of all is control. “Compassion and Choices” offers an end-of-life community of support to the depressed and fearful, to those who are unprepared for suffering and death.

Nash ruled that doctors who provide aid to those committing suicide could not be prosecuted under the state’s assisted suicide law, which defines assisted suicide as a fourth-degree felony.

America is inching ever closer to European countries such as Belgium, where there is now no age restrictions on permissible assisted suicide, leaving open the possibility that children will soon receive “aid in dying.” Last year, two adult twins received helping in killing themselves after they were told they would eventually go blind.

— Comments —

John writes:

I have been watching the assisted suicide debate unfold in many jurisdictions including my own country, Canada.  At the same time as that has been unfolding I have noticed the powers that be also turn themselves inside out over the issue of suicides among same-sex attracted teenagers.  Significant resources are being marshaled to ensure that no teenager dealing with the same-sex attraction should feel badly about themselves.  I wonder if it will dawn on anyone that, by their own twisted assisted suicide logic, if it is a good thing for cancer patients who are suffering with pain to have the choice to end their lives, then it must be a good thing for a same-sex attracted teenager who cannot deal with the pain of their “orientation” to have that same choice.  After all, if same-sex attraction is genetic, then there is no changing it, correct?

Laura writes:

We’ve already seen this inevitable dynamic at work with the suicide of a Belgium “transgendered” woman.

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