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Doves in St. Peter’s Square « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Doves in St. Peter’s Square

January 27, 2014




THE white dove is one of the most beautiful birds in the animal kingdom. In Christian symbolism, it stands for the Holy Ghost, who appeared in both the form of the dove and as tongues of fire. From Matthew 3:16:

And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.

The Holy Ghost, which strengthens and enlightens mankind, is also known as the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete and the Spirit of Truth.

The dove is a modern secular symbol too. It stands for universal brotherhood and peace, and has been widely used by Communists and peaceniks. Everyone has seen the famous white dove on a bright blue background.

Given his belief in a universalistic Pan-Religion, it is safe to assume that for “Pope” Francis, this second meaning of the dove is important. And it is this second meaning that was intended when two doves were released by Francis and two children in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday in celebration of the annual “Caravan of Peace,” which strives for world peace. However, things did not go as intended.  The doves were viciously attacked by a seagull and a crow. See the report at Novus Ordo Watch. 

It seems strange that two birds from different species should join together to tackle the doves. We might read meaning into this. The seagull, white and less aggressive, is an apt symbol for the invisible forces that seek to deny the truths of the Church. These forces, as the Rev. Denis Fahey taught, lie in the heart of every man. The crow, much more belligerent, is an apt symbol for the visible, organized forces that seek to destroy the Church.

These two forces lie in constant wait. And no matter how many gestures of peace this non-Catholic “Pope” makes, they are eager and willing to destroy his phony Church of Peace and Love. 

By the way, see this mind-blowing photo of Francis with the children. Now, tell me, dear reader, is this the true Pope?

APTOPIX Vatican Pope Doves

— Comments —

Andrea Parri writes:

You wrote:

THE white dove is one of the most beautiful birds in the animal kingdom.

In Christian symbolism, it stands for the Holy Ghost, who appeared in both the form of the dove and as tongues of fire. From Matthew 13:

And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.

“Matthew 13” didn’t look right for the baptism of the Lord, which occurs at the beginning of his public life, so I looked it up; indeed, the verse you quote is Matthew 3:16.

Thank you for your attention, and your steadfast labors as The Thinking Housewife. Someday I hope to write to you more at length about the pope, the Church, the Second Vatican Council and the liturgy, from one faithful Catholic to another.

Laura writes:

Thank you for the correction. I always appreciate it when readers inform me of glaring mistakes. Since it’s a significant error, I will correct it in the original entry.

Jan. 29, 2014

Oscar writes:

I felt the urge to do a short Bible study on birds, but have been in two minds about it – this was the underlying thought process that spurred me to write the rhetorical  question to you about birds. [Laura writes: Oscar had written to me earlier to ask about the symbolism of the birds.]

In summary, apart from doves, and ‘clean birds,’ which were used for Old Testament sacrifice, by Noah, and as positive allegorical examples, birds generally have a bad symbolism in The Bible; examples of this include Joseph interpreting the dream of Pharaoh’s butler with birds picking at the bakemeats (symbolizing death), Proverbs referring to a bird of the air revealing secret conversations, Jesus’ parable about the birds of the air stealing the gospel etc. These are just the ones that come to mind, there are probably many others.

The secret organizations that have bad intentions for the future of humanity frequently hide things in plain sight, such as the annual furore about the Grammies, Superbowl half time performance, with slipped nipples etc.

So, although the crow and seagull attacking the dove wasn’t necessarily contrived,  I see a spiritual pattern to this; see the reference to the children of Issachar below.

Genesis 40:17

And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head.

1 Chronicles 12:32

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

 Laura writes:

Oscar also sends this link to a story at Brietbart, which I quote below:

A former male stripper turned erotic film actor said Pope Francis blessed his parrot during his general audience in Vatican City.

Francesco Lombardi, who uses the stage name Ghyblj, said he decided to come forward as the owner of the parrot blessed by the pope during his general audience Wednesday after hearing news reports suggesting the bird belonged to a traveling circus, ANSA reported Wednesday.

“It was fun,” Lombardi said of meeting the pope. “A sort of mixing of the holy and the profane. I am a world champion stripper and have the leading role in [erotic filmmaker] Tinto Brass’s next movie.”

Lombardi said he traveled from his home town of Trezzano, near Milan, with his wife, two daughters and their parrot, named Amore, the Italian word for “love.”

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