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German Homeschooling Couple Refused Custody of Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

German Homeschooling Couple Refused Custody of Children

January 18, 2014


READ about the latest in the ongoing saga of the Wunderlich family in Germany at Lifesitenews. The Wunderlichs have been forced to send their children to public school and denied legal custody so that they might obtain visas to move. The judge who ruled on an aspect of the case last month called homeschooling a “straitjacket.” Good heavens, what does he think human beings did before modern schools were invented? Most of the European monarchs never went to school.

From the article:

The Wunderlich family made international headlines in August when a team of 20 social workers, police officers, and special agents stormed the homeschooling family’s residence and forcibly removed the children, ages 7–14.

Parents Dirk and Petra were accused of defying a German ban on home education. The children were returned to the parents in September on condition that the parents send their children to public school. Since the court had awarded legal custody of the children to social workers in 2012, the parents had no choice but to comply.

In his decision, the judge ruled that it was necessary to keep the Wunderlich children in public school for their own “well-being,” arguing that if the children were homeschool in Germany or abroad they would “grow up in a parallel society without having learned to be integrated or to have a dialogue with those who think differently and facing them in the sense of practicing tolerance.”

— Comments —

Steve Kogan writes:

For the past ten years, my wife has been directing an after-school theater project for high school and home-schooled teens in a rural county in upstate New York. Both of us have observed that her home-schooled kids are for the most part much more comfortable and articulate around adults than her high school students, are better read, and have wider frames of reference, although a few of the high school teens have also shined. The accusation that home-schooling is a “straightjacket” is nothing more than a projection of the judge’s own mind-set and behavior, which have in fact created a straightjacket for the Wunderlichs.

 Alex writes:

If Germans are allowed to teach their own children, there is no guarantee the kiddies will be taught forever to atone for something they didn’t do, and then bam! — before you even know it, another Holocaust.

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