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Islam Triumphant in Britain « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Islam Triumphant in Britain

January 8, 2014




European geopolitical analyst Sören Kern writes about The Islamization of Britain for the Gatestone Institute.  Westerners, read it and weep. There are really no bright spots in Kern’s account of British officialdom’s unfailing capitulation to alien Moslem agitators’ every Sharia-driven demand that the traditional life of Britain be suppressed so as not to give them offense.  Kern appears to confirm the late political philosopher Lawrence Auster’s verdict on once-Great Britain: for now, at least, and for actual Britons, the Sceptr’d Isle is dead.  Her Majesty’s Government is her people’s enemy and her enemies’ friend.  And it is supposedly a Conservative government.  The same, of course, is true of almost every social institution of any importance.

Mainstream conservative Americans may read Kern’s report. (Actually, I suspect few will.)  But with the cluelessness that is the hallmark of mainstream American conservatism and the Republican Party, reading it will probably just lead to their congratulating themselves on how much better off the United States is than the ever-less-United Kingdom.

As I read what Kern has to report, however, I didn’t think the ever-less-United States were any better off.  Only about three to five years behind…  If those who bear the banner of Conservatism in Britain have betrayed their fellows and their country, how do they differ from the amnesty-seeking Republican “leaders” whose names we all know too well?  And are there any social institutions of any importance left in the United States that are not actively hostile to traditional America and Americans?

At least the United Kingdom does not have a sovereign or prime minister with a name of the ilk of Barack Hussein Obama.  Yet.

— Comments —

Paul T. writes:

When I saw that appalling photo I couldn’t help but recall a pop song from my childhood, Roger Miller’s “England Swings” (1966):

England swings like a pendulum do,
Bobbies on bicycles two by two,
Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Big Ben,
The rosy-red cheeks of the little children….

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