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The Irresponsible Father « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Irresponsible Father

January 29, 2014


N.W. writes:

I thought this quote from a man whose daughter was seriously injured while skydiving, perfectly captures all that is wrong with the American father in our feminized society.

The girl’s parents agreed to let her perform the jump, but her father now says the skydiving company shouldn’t have allowed it.

“I don’t think she should have been allowed at 16 to go up there and perform that type of jump, no matter what I say or she says, she shouldn’t have been allowed,” Joe Wethington said at the news conference. “I find it very hard to believe that the rules and regulations in Oklahoma are that lax. I think there is a flaw there somewhere, and I don’t think it’s through the state of Oklahoma. I think it’s the company. I’m not sure.”

I find it very disturbing that a father’s sense of responsibility for his daughter’s safety and well-being is that lax. I would say to him, the flaw that is “there somewhere” can be found in your complete abdication of authority as head of your household. It isn’t the state, it isn’t the company, it’s you. Own it.

— Comments —

Fred writes:

The father in Oklahoma made a decision to let his daughter go skydiving, so he has to live with that.

But I am sure he already has the business cards of a dozen lawyers and the man who owns the skydiving business will be sued within an inch of his life.

We should protect our daughters better than this. It is true that no boy and no girl can reach maturity without risk. We ought to expose them to the dangers of life — but carefully and little by little.

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