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United Under One Rainbow Flag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

United Under One Rainbow Flag

January 24, 2014



DIANA writes:

America’s liturgical calender begins on February 3rd, with the Super Bowl.  This year we also get the Winter Olympics, then the Oscars.

First, the Super Bowl on February 3. Gay* exhibitionist actor Neil Patrick Harris is doing Super Bowl ads. Conservative outlets are doing their usual best to look stupid, criticizing the ads because they supposedly mock Christianity.

You have to read the linked article to appreciate how stupid and screwy the logic is. The mockery, of course, is not towards Christianity, but towards the masculinity that football used to represent. Can you imagine, for example, using Paul Lynde, or some obviously flaming actor, to advertise the football championship in 1964?

Onto the Winter Olympics.

David Remnick is the New Yorker’s official Obama sock puppet. He is the editor-in-chief of that rag, and is a very powerful man who was a key actor in the media onslaught that elected Barack Hussein Obama president. He is of course a rabid gay rights supporter.

Remnick will be commenting on the Winter Olympics for NBC. 

I will probably break down and watch the ice dancing and ladies figure skating, but this is a good reason to boycott the Winter Olympics. The commentary will be 100 percent political. Also, and very important: Obama spitefully appointed three openly gay athletes to the U.S. Winter Olympics Committee, whatever that is. Two of the athletes were winter sports athletes (one of them notable, the other obscure), but what in tarnation does Billie Jean King have to do with winter sports? Nothing. She’s a famous lesbian, that’s all.

Onto the Oscars, which has rightly been called The Superbowl of Women and Gays.

Ellen-who-needs-no-last-name (a “television icon”) will be hosting the Oscars on March 2.

Can anyone doubt that Ellen will show up in a gaudy tux and release as many pro-gay, anti-Russian and anti-heterosexual zingers as she can fit into her time allotment? They time the actors who are accepting an important award, but she’ll be given the freedom to propagandize at will. Mark my words, this show will go on longer than usual.

So, from 3 February to 2 March, the U.S. will be blanketed with even more gay propaganda than it has been, 24/7.  One nation under the rainbow flag. In addition to that, one scoundrel judge after another suddenly finds himself on the “right side of history.”

If Americans really had any backbone, they’d simply turn away from all this in disgust and boycott the perverted bastards. They don’t. We can blame the elites for a certain amount of the homosexualization of America, but the fact is that most of it is happening with the full assent of the public. The public can’t do anything about the scoundrel judges that are forcing same-sex marriage (and adoption, and surrogacy, and a host of other evils) on society, but as the Phil Robertson affair proved, they can boycott.

They won’t, because they don’t want to give up their goodies.

[*The word “gay” is normally not permitted at this site. The author has asked to retain it and a rare exception has been made.]

— Comments —

Douglas writes:

Some of us do boycott. My wife and I may only be one couple, but we do all we can to support our cause, we will not even shop local stores where we know the people support Democrats. I know that may seem silly, since many Republicans are as bad as Democrats, but it’s the best we can do.

A reader writes:

So, Diana “…will probably break down and watch the ice dancing and ladies figure skating,…”

Wonder what demographic those events would appeal to?

Diana writes:

“Wonder what demographic those events would appeal to?”

Same as the Oscars – see my post.

NBC will have Johnny Weir providing commentary on the figure skating. I’ll have to turn down the sound. I saw him do commentary on some obscure digital subchannel on the World Figure Skating Championships a couple of years ago, and he was unspeakably nasty.

Diana adds:

I boycott, too. Sometimes I even boycott things that I love because they have become anti-traditional and harmful. But so what? One person, a few people, mean nothing. The Robertson backlash proved that when the “gays” mess with something truly popular, they get slapped down big and hard.

I would LOVE for a popular backlash boycott against the Oscars. I know that most of your readers don’t bother with such nonsense – they already boycott it by exclusion. Fine, but the rest of the world doesn’t. The Oscars are important, just as the Super Bowl is important. The fact that our kind doesn’t care about such nonsense is irrelevant.

If there was an outraged backlash, similar to the Robertson affair, at the prospect of Ellen being the host, Hollywood would sit up and listen. But it won’t happen. Americans may not really love Ellen, and won’t miss her when she’s gone, but they have no real objections to her. She doesn’t outrage them.

That’s the shame. The woman has released so much propaganda on her show, it’s an outrage. She is horrible.

Laura writes:

There won’t be outraged protests, but I suspect the Oscars has lost viewership and will continue to lose it.

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