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Women Who Paid the Eloi Tax « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Women Who Paid the Eloi Tax

January 23, 2014



Sarajane Hakopian

THE murder trial of a black convicted felon who had once been sentenced to over 90 years in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping and who is accused of stabbing the middle-aged, divorced white woman who took him in to her home and her bedroom, began this week, almost two full years after Sarajane Hakopian was found dead of stab wounds. This long delay is common even when there is very little doubt of who committed a crime. The case is part of an apparent minor trend of divorced or unattached middle-aged white women who become involved with nonwhite men who later kill them. In December, Nedenia Post Dye, the 46-year-old granddaughter of Marjorie Merriweather Post, was murdered on the Caribbean island of Roatan, where she operated a luxury spa. A 25-year-old musician named Lenin Roberto Arana was found in bloody clothes in Dye’s car after the murder and is charged with the crime. According to The Daily MailArana told local reporters, “I’m innocent. Nedenia was like a mother to me. She protected me.”

As with Hakopian, Dye’s case seems to have been some merging of sexual and maternal roles, with the white woman attempting to nurture her black lover into normalcy. With its denial of race differences and its push for the independence of women, leaving middle-aged women alone and looking for love, the modern world encourages such delusions.


Nedenia Post Dye



Lenin Roberto Arana

The case of Hakopian was discussed at VFR in February, 2012. Lawrence Auster wrote:

When I began reading the below article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, I hadn’t noticed the small captionless photo of a man at the top of the article and was not sure if the race of the suspect was known. Then, as the article unfolded, telling me, bit by intensifying bit, in a kind of liberal self-parody, more and more about the obviously dangerous nature of the man whom the good-hearted hippie-like divorced 44-year-old mother-of-two Sarajane Hakopian had welcomed into her life, I figured he sounded like a black man, except that his name, Brian Mallory, didn’t sound at all black. So, believe it or not, I wasn’t sure that he was black, even though the reader who had sent me the article had said he was black (it’s easy to be wrong about these things, and I try, most of the time, not to jump prematurely to conclusions).

The first remarkable thing about the piece is the title:

Was caring nature a factor in Sarajane Hakopian’s death?

Of course that is a theme I am forever sounding, about Eloi women who give their caring, loving, incorrigibly naive and needy selves to rough and uncaring men of different race, usually black, sometimes Hispanic or Muslim, who then kill them. I describe such relationships and such murders as both the ultimate concrete result and the ultimate symbol of liberalism. But I don’t remember a mainstream news story about such a murder ever sounding that un-PC note of realism before.

The article starts out in idyllic tones about how Sarajane Hakopian was the “kindest soul” in Montpelier, Virginia, “the heart of what Montpelier is all about,” as one friend called her. “You always saw her with her tea, inseparable. She was a friend to everyone she met.”

Then the article says that Hakopian was found dead Monday afternoon, and that Brian Mallory is the suspect.

Then we learn that Mallory is a convicted felon, who started mowing Hakopian’s lawn and became her lover, partner, hook-up, or whatever word we’re supposed to use.

Then we learn that Hakopian had two children living with her from an ended marriage. (How many murdered white women have left their husbands, cutting themselves off from a responsible, protective male presence in their life, and are living with men not their husbands?)

Then we learn that there also lived at the house “a parade of young people whose families wanted their offspring to share in Hakopian’s nurturing but strict ways.”

Then we learn that Mallory was convicted of a “brutal armed robbery” 20 years ago, and that he is 6 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs 325 pounds.

Then we learn that notwithstanding the warnings from friends about being involved with such a man, Hakopian “saw no boundaries associated with color, religion, political beliefs or social standing”—the only reference to race in the article. I should add that warnings from friends are almost unheard of in these stories of white women killed by their black boyfriends. In almost every such article I’ve seen, everyone around the woman, including her useless brain-dead Eloi parents if they are in the picture, seems completely approving and accepting of the relationship, and no one takes her aside and tells her that she might be putting herself at risk—because, of course, that would be discriminatory and racist, and, perhaps an even more compelling reason for remaining silent, to warn your friend or sister or daughter away from a relationship with a black criminal thug and thus harm the erotic diversity of our society would be a greater tragedy than preventing her murder. In any case, when I read that line about how Sarajane saw no boundaries associated with color I finally concluded, slow reader that I am, that Mallory had to be black.

Then the article said that in February 1991 Mallory “was sentenced to 90 years in prison for robbery, kidnapping and firearms convictions with 56 years suspended.”

It was only then that I noticed the tiny uncaptioned photo of a black man at the top of the article and realized this was Mallory.

— Comments —

Paul writes:

Naiveté is something many of us struggle with.  It is something to fight against as we fight against inappropriate lustful thoughts, the latter being impossible to resist.  Naiveté is ignorance and therefore harder to guard against.  We know when we are having lustful thoughts.  Naïve personalities don’t know they are being naïve.  Naiveté is part of a person’s personality, which for example can be taciturn, shy, outgoing, boorish, or mean.

Thankfully, parents can lessen a child’s naiveté.  My mother especially and father (who also tended towards naiveté) had to teach me not to be so trusting of people, especially black people, people in general, jealous friends who disguised their daggers as joking, bosses (“they ain’t your Daddy”), and low-class whites.  The naiveté still lingers in a much less harmful form, I hope.  Maybe it lingers because naïve people want everyone to like them and want to like everyone.  The naïve want to remain children.

I will repeat this anecdote continually because it is one of thousands or tens of thousands of incidents ever since Lincoln (who many people believe is an icon) destroyed separatism instead of just ending slavery (not his goal), which allowed the liberals to impose anti-discrimination, particularly discrimination against blacks, in the South and even the North.

About twenty-five years ago, a young woman worked in my city’s business district.  The woman was casually friendly with her black male parking attendant who supposedly was a product of Southern discrimination.  He abducted her one evening as she was casually returning home.  He forced her to empty her ATM, raped her, sodomized her, and killed her.  The newspaper reported that the ATM camera showed a woman in terror.

I suspect it was then or maybe before then that I stopped reading the details of such incidents.  Maybe this behavior is consistent with being naïve.  Thankfully you do not include details and simply link to the details.

I recently warned my close friend’s twenty-year-old daughter about trusting blacks because her mother is trying to diminish discrimination based on her Evangelical background, though her mother is a traditionalist in every other way.  My friend did not mind at all.  Of course I was tactful and succinct.

T.D. writes:

I’m sure this nice white lady (Hakopian) thought she was being progressive and expansive, writing an exciting new chapter in her autobiography.  Oh, the stories she would be able to tell her grandkids; how she gave her heart and home to a poor, downtrodden black man, in opposition of the wicked patriarchy that so oppressed women and minorities.  Until, of course, he stabbed her to death.  This woman reminds me of those folks who would buy a cute little tiger cub, only to be shocked and appalled when the beast grew up and mauled their children.

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