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Another White Man Hits the Ground « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another White Man Hits the Ground

February 24, 2014



John Bannon

JOHN BANNON, 55, died last week of brain injuries sustained on Feb. 1, the day he was knocked to the ground in his Baton Rouge neighborhood. Two black teenagers, one 15 and the other 19 years old, have been arrested and are believed to have attacked Mr. Bannon in the course of an “attempted robbery.” They allegedly were testing which one of them could deal a more devastating blow. In other words, Mr. Bannon, who worked in a hardware store, was a victim of merciless and savage cruelty. His head hit the cement sidewalk so hard his brain immediately began to hemorrhage. He lingered on life support for several weeks.

From The Baton Rouge Advocate:

“You just want to know why, why him,” said Susan Smith, Bannon’s sister, who resides in Nashville, Tenn. on Wednesday afternoon, choking back tears. “Why him, of all people, (who) didn’t bother anybody.”

Mr. Bannon was apparently killed because he crossed the path of feral beings who were in the mood to kill. The very fact that he was unthreatening probably gave them incentive.

— Comments —

Pete F. writes:

Thanks to the work of heroic journalist Colin Flaherty and websites such as your own, more people are becoming aware of the violence committed by the feral human beings in our midst – and the explicitly racial nature of the attacks by black thugs against white and other non-black victims in the “knockout game” and other forms of violence.

There are a number of very important points which can be drawn from the attack on John Bannon and others like him.

Although the authorities and the powers-that-be are doing their best to sweep these attacks under the rug and otherwise hide what is happening, it is now abundantly clear that these incidents are neither random nor isolated in occurrence. Whites, Asians, Jews and other non-black people who live in close proximity with blacks need to be aware of this problem, and take prudent and lawful steps to protect themselves.

While there is no hard-and-fast way to guarantee your safety or that of anyone else, there are concrete steps that can be taken. Don’t ignore the problem, thinking that it will go away. Denial literally can get you or someone you love killed or maimed for life. In reading the heart-broken words of the victim’s sister, one cannot help but wonder if she and Mr. Bannon were aware of the danger – or, being aware of it, took the threat seriously enough.

“You just want to know why, why him,” said Susan Smith, Bannon’s sister, who resides in Nashville, Tenn. on Wednesday afternoon, choking back tears. “Why him, of all people, (who) didn’t bother anybody.”

Wilding, the knock-out game, and similar forms of attacks should not be thought of as simple crimes, on par with muggings or purse-snatchings. Rather, they are more akin to low-level terrorism or gang-warfare. It is now well-established that gangs are using attacks coordinated via the social media to go on “wilding” rampages wherein stores or other businesses are stripped of their merchandise within minutes or even seconds, by multiple individuals operating in teams. Similar tactics have been used by multiple attackers to launch mass operations at state fairs, concerts, shopping malls, and on isolated and/or unaware individuals or smaller groups. Others have chosen to “play” the knock-out game. Many black urban gangs require a “knock-out” or “taking down a polar bear,” as it is sometimes called – as a precondition of membership.

Situational awareness is paramount. It is a terrible thing – an outrage, really – that our society has deteriorated to such a degree that such steps are necessary, but that is the world in which we live. The ugly truth is that whites and the other groups being attacked now have de facto targets on their backs – and must behave accordingly. Ominously, the state is failing in one of its most-important tasks – the preservation of order and keeping the peace. What that trend portends I will leave for your readers to ponder.

As many know, the cultural left and the powers-that-be work very hard to shape the narrative that everything is just fine and dandy and that everyone is anxious to hold hands and sing songs. Not only are the entertainment and advertising industries on board with this effort, law enforcement agencies and the media have joined in as well by sanitizing police reports to remove (redact) any mention of race or racial motives in black-on-white crimes, and by spiking (refusing to run) stories which mention the phenomenon. Recently, a few, low-profile stories have begun to run in the mainstream media and press, but these have been few and sanitized to downplay the racial elements of the attacks.

The Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case should serve as a wake-up call for people who, thus far, have been in denial or unaware of the problem. Thanks to the present government and its chief legal/law-enforcement agencies, lady justice is no longer blind-folded; the scales are now being tipped in favor of blacks and other protected minorities – and against groups who lack such protection.

Most people are decent and law-abiding, but common sense and the right demand that good people take steps to protect themselves and those for whom they care. Most predators are looking for a victim, not an opponent. Learn how to protect yourself. There are numerous resources for doing so – including some which are offered by local police departments. Also, do not forget to make your voice heard – if enough people do that, the establishment will be forced to deal with the problem in an above-board manner, rather than trying to pretend it does not exist as they are now doing.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your support.

While I agree there are some defensive measures people can take, for instance not walking along deserted blocks at night, most of these involve seriously restricting one’s movements — at least for those who will never be able to defend themselves with guns. What was John Bannon supposed to do? Stay home. He was just walking down the street. Whites have already shaped their patterns of movement and their living arrangements in order to avoid black violence. They spend an enormous amount of money and effort to work around these threats. They are not free in their own cities. Taking these kinds of measures is not defeating the problem. It is simply adjusting to it.

No, I believe the only solution is some kind of segregation or a black homeland in America. The races are different and should develop along their own lines. Whites should reclaim their cities. They should abandon the project of equality, which is really the project to obliterate social identity and historic communities. This is the only possible resolution to urban chaos, the vast government-imposed system of false equality and the low-level warfare that has been waged for years.

Of course, in the meantime, we should defend ourselves as best we can. We should honor the victims of black mischief and murder by never forgetting them, as they so often are forgotten. We have a long way to go before sanity returns and basic truths about racial differences are acknowledged. Another benefit of acknowledging these differences is possible economic betterment for blacks, who have lost out in recent mass waves of immigration.

John writes:

Blacks must own up to responsibility for this kind of behavior. But another factor is necessary to consider too. Imagine that you are black. Constantly you hear prominent whites (liberals) telling you that all of your problems are the fault of white people. What would you think and feel?

Liberals claim they believe in tolerance and reconciliation, but their media constantly churn out propaganda to incite black against white hatred. Cases in point in recent years are the movies The Help, Django, The Butler, and Twelve Years a Slave. I saw the preview of Django at a theater, and it was pure incitement to violence. I wondered how many whites would suffer injury or perhaps even death because of this movie.

Many conservatives seem to think that liberals are well-meaning, though misguided people. Perhaps some are, but there is a hard core on the left that is simply evil in its character and intent. We must hold them accountable.


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