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Eat, Pray, Love « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eat, Pray, Love

February 21, 2014




KARL D. writes:

Another white Western Eloi woman has paid the ultimate tax. According to the Daily Mail, Erin Willinger, 30, was a yoga teacher and social worker from New York who went to India and soon met and married an Indian taxi driver. Within five months he stabbed her to death and then blew himself up. Feminism has yet another body on its hands.

I know this is a dumb question, but what in the world could an educated, urbane, white Western woman possibly have in common with an Indian taxi driver? Although I suppose that was his entire appeal as far as she was concerned? I could no more go down to Peru and marry some poor peasant women who still squats in a ditch than fly to the moon! She may be a perfectly decent and moral human being, but that’s where our commonalities would end! I just don’t get it.

From the article:

Before her death, Willinger had revealed that she was deeply in love with Indian culture and wanted to improve civic conditions in Agra.

On the day she was killed, she addressed a press conference to promote her campaign ‘Agra Sunder Hai’, and several local NGOs pledged support to her.

She had said she hoped to help Agra with improving its water, plastic waste and garbage disposal.

Last September, she spoke with the Indo-Asian News Service about her desire to stay and help the city, although she had only planned to visit to help feed leprosy sufferers near the Taj Mahal.

She said that she wanted to stay in Agra until ’60 or maybe more – as long as the body permits’.

‘This city needs a push,’ she said. ‘The city is dirty and no one wants to stay back here for a night. You have to teach people to be conscious of hygiene, health and sensibilities of others. You have to build trust and reach out.’

She spoke of taking money from the rich to give resources to the poor, and said she hoped to get actors and other celebrities on board to help make programs more attractive.

And she was confident that her idea was going to be a success.

‘I am talking with so many [students, businessmen and professionals] and they all agree that the time for change has indeed come,’ she said.

‘You need role models. A democratic society needs inspiring heroes to move ahead. You need success stories to diffuse the clouds of negativity all around.’

— Comments —

Natassia writes:

It sounds like Erin Willinger “was deeply in love with Indian culture” except when she wasn’t. I suppose it never occurred to her that the culture she loved was completely interdependent with the part of it she was trying to get rid of (poor hygiene, lack of consciousness for health and the sensibilities of others, etc.)

 James P. writes:

This California woman went to live in a village in India in order to marry a much younger man she met on the Internet. I saw the story a few weeks ago and could only shake my head in amazement. (Wonder how long she’ll endure the “no air conditioner, dishwasher, or shower” situation?) You will note the story refers to her having a daughter, who apparently was not taken to India, but was left behind in the United States while her mother self-indulgently wafted off to the other side of the world.

Laura writes:

Here is an interview with the father of Erin Willinger. It’s an astounding story. She arrived in Agra in July and by October was married to an Indian taxi driver, who, as it turns out, had already murdered someone. From the interview:

According to Andrew Willinger, of Newtown, Mass., his daughter left the apartment she shared with Sharma after he allegedly admitted that he had been imprisoned for killing a friend years earlier after an argument.

“He tells her this story thinking that she would understand. She was appalled and she basically left within weeks of their wedding,” Willinger said.

Local reports have stated that the couple separated due to other marital problems, including accusations that they both hid previous marriages from each other. According to these reports, the police said the couple had seen a counselor who convinced them to live together again.

Andrew Willinger said those reports were false and his daughter knew Sharma had a previous wife, who died of an illness and was the mother of his 6-year-old son.

While Andrew Willinger said his daughter did have a romantic relationship with Sharma when she first arrived in Agra last July, he said his daughter’s decision to get married in October was influenced by her desire to be a part of the community and to be fully accepted.

“She gets the idea that getting married would both get to be part of the community and be part of the family,” Willinger said. “It led to doing something official in court against my strong objection, but she just was determined.”

Kevin M. writes:

Karl D. writes: “I know this is a dumb question, but what in the world could an educated, urbane, white Western woman possibly have in common with an Indian taxi driver?”

Your mistake, sir, is you presume having something in common is relevant. Allow me to explain.

[Alert: Nothing that follows is intended to insult or demean the women who frequent this blog.]

Once upon a time, long, long ago in a magical fairy land called Hollywood, there was a princess who was beloved by all the people. She was adorable, highly intelligent (or so we were told), spoke several languages, and made many wonderful movies in which she played an adorably cute woman seeking to find love under comic circumstances. She was extraordinarily successful, and her fans numbered in the millions around the world.

Her name was Sandra Bullock.

One day, Princess Bullock came upon a man she knew to be her prince. She listened to her heart. Her heart said, “He is The One!” and Princess Bullock believed her heart mightily, because “the heart wants what the heart wants,” and other such frivolous female nonsense. She pursued her prince with gusto.

Now, this prince was named Jesse James, somewhat fittingly for a man who defined himself against the motif of an outlaw. Prince James was a foul-mouthed biker dude who was a walking mural of tattoos, few of which would be appropriately displayed in polite company. Whenever he could, Prince James rode a motorcycle with his chums across Western United States, not infrequently getting arrested for infractions against the citizenry. But none of this furrowed the brow of Princess Bullock, who was drawn in by his swarthy appearance and aloof charm. She was ever so enamored by the way he doted on his children, the gift of his first wife whom he retrieved from the carpet of a porn set. You see, Prince James was originally married to a porn star. And as we all know, the very first act a man who wishes to be a good father is to choose the mother of his children with some care.

“I love how he is so devoted to his children!” said Princess Bullock.

And the two were married. And the people rejoiced.

“He has my back,” Princess Bullock said at the Oscars. Yes, he did, Dearie, just as soon as you turned it.

Some years went by with Princess Bullock in a state of delirious denial. She was so happy she couldn’t think (no, seriously. The thought process in this girl just collapsed!). Until one day when it was revealed that Prince James had been Getting Busy with another woman, a tattoo-covered Jezebel by the name of Kat Von D. It was unfortunate that Princess Bullock took umbrage with both her cheating husband and the hussy Von D, as Lady Von D had, among other tattoos, the symbol of the Swastika painted across her body. Princess Bullock’s family was German, so you’d think the two would rather hit it off.

Alas, no.

Princess Bullock flew into a rage, apparently because it was her belief that, having married Prince James, she would have exclusive rights to his body, affections and genetic material. Again, alas, no. So Princess Bullock divorced Prince James and spent the rest of her life hating men, making bitter castration* jokes in her “comedies,” and generally playing up her anger toward the rattlesnake she had taken into her bosom, only to get her bosom bitten but brilliantly!

Moral of this Story: Ladies, if you happen upon a man who possesses the following characteristics:

1. Loner, biker dude lifestyle
2. Body painted head-to-toe with tattoos
3. Foul-mouth
4. Drug user
5. Criminal record
6. Former wife is a porn queen

…there is a better than 50% chance he couldn’t name a single film made by Jimmy Stewart. You are involved with a mouth-breathing knuckle-walker, but don’t let that stop your progesterone from shutting down your brain, all the while your lips mouthing the words, “the heart wants what the heart wants.”

The End

*The Proposal, The Blind Side

Laura writes:

I don’t deny the familiar dynamic you describe, but in the case of Erin Willinger, I think this man was part of her grandiose mission in India. She left him right away when she found he had murdered someone. Her father said “his daughter’s decision to get married in October was influenced by her desire to be a part of the community and to be fully accepted.” From the article above:

She spoke of taking money from the rich to give resources to the poor, and said she hoped to get actors and other celebrities on board to help make programs more attractive.

And she was confident that her idea was going to be a success.

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