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From India to America — I Came, I Saw, I Wept « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From India to America — I Came, I Saw, I Wept

February 3, 2014


ADITYA B. writes:

Two oceans and three continents once separated me from America.

Like many a fool, I dreamed of America. In my dreams, America was a place where men were free to be men. It was a place where intelligent and fiercely independent minds wrestled with weighty issues and, whilst vehemently disagreeing with you, would defend to the death your right to express such disagreeable views.

After almost a decade in Aztlan-Sodom (the city formerly known as “Los Angeles”), I have concluded that, by and large, most Americans are moral fanatics. And utterly pedestrian (and provincial) moral fanatics.  They will destroy any man who does not kow-tow to the “Gods of the City” and will gleefully participate in witch-hunting and burning like their much-maligned ancestors in Salem, Massachusetts.

However, the denizens of Salem, suffering from excruciating loneliness and physical adversity, may have simply “cracked” and engaged in the only incident of witch-hunting in North America. What is always forgotten is how the New World in general, and North America in particular, did not succumb to the witch hunting hysteria of the Old World. If you doubt this assertion, please treat yourself to Charles MacKay’s indispensable and invaluable “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.”

Those Who Cannot Be Named are the most fanatic of the lot. And, vindictive. Oh, so vindictive! They will never forgive the Goyim. Even if they have to destroy the only nation that welcomes them, and that has staked its entire reputation (and foreign policy) on one ethno-centric socialist Mediterranean State, they will never forgive them. In fact, the nicer one is to The Chosen, the more they will hate you. Ever notice how they keep slobbering over Arabs, Persians, Muslims in general, Blacks, Mestizos, Indians, Chinese and other races that are either outright hostile or utterly dismissive of them while constantly poking the dumb ox called “Americans” in the eye?

However, it isn’t just The Chosen who are responsible for this. There were no Chosen in Salem. There were no Chosen leading the hysterical charge against the South. In fact, the only prominent Chosen was Judah P. Benjamin (here and here), a real Reactionary, if there ever was one, and one of the last true Statesmen this Country produced.

No, I must, with the greatest regret, and with red-hot rage, conclude that there is something within the American character (to the extent that a Nation can have a unique and individual “character”) that relishes the Witch Hunt and the Burning. It would be very satisfying to identify an alien enemy for one’s ailments and, thereby, work towards its defeat. Regrettably, we have met the enemy, and it is U.S.

America has always been a communist nation. Haven’t we served as the inspiration of every Nihilistic movement that waged war on tradition and, as in the case of France and Imperial Russia, prevailed?  Is it not true that the U.S. government, under President Wilson, actively colluded with Trotskyite Reds even though we were, allegedly, occupying the country to support the Whites against the Reds? In fact, there is every indication that the not only did we actively pursue the establishment of Communism in Russia (Dr. Kerry Bolton’s “Revolution from Above” supports the foregoing by providing evidence of multiple mineral-extraction leases and other commercial contracts signed by J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and the usual Gang of Thieves before the eventual Red victory when Trotsky was in New York City living it up on the Krupp dime) it is evident that we perceived the U.S.S.R. as our junior partner.

While the Russian Federation is slowly returning to its Orthodox-Byzantine roots, we are becoming increasingly Soviet-like with the implicit cooperation of the “citizenry.” Unlike the U.S.S.R. (and every Third World nation) where the people obey orders out of fear, Americans genuinely believe in the rubbish and reality-denying evil called Leftism/Liberalism/Levelerism/Albigensianism (call it what you will — it’s been around for at least four centuries and has, steadily, taken over) Americans are completely complicit in the downfall of their nation because they support all the core principles of Liberalism and take the greatest joy in the wicked destruction of all heretics as evidenced by the enthusiastic support for all two-minute hate sessions that occur with regular (and alarming) frequency. Even indifference is the sin of apathy and is as vile, or perhaps more, than active participation.

America was, is, and will remain a fanatic, provincial nation that will punish the slightest deviation from Dogma with utter ruthlessness to the overwhelming applause of the peanut gallery and the silent acquiescence of the mass of its peoples.  A nation founded by dour, joyless fanatics cannot be otherwise. The unthinking, uncaring descendants of such men, who have retained their ancestors fanaticism and virtual allergy to all things intellectual and all things traditional cannot behave otherwise.

It’s about time Caliban took a long hard look at himself in the mirror, and learned to love himself for himself. It’s easier that way.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

I made a list of Puritanical-Yankee-American-hypocrite-scoundrels-Descendants-of-The-Salem-Witch-Trial-and-Dour-Joyless-Pilgrims for this week’s Two Minute Hate:

Obama, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Christie, Cuomo, Corbett, D’Amato, Franks, Blankfein, de Blasio, Capone, Siegel, Bulger, Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovesee, Lucchese, Stein, Napolitano, Ridge, Chertoff, Feinstein, Friedan, King, LaVey, Sandusky, Kennedy, Goldman, Leary, Roberts, Reid, Boehner, O’Malley, Mikulski, Emmanuel, Paterno, Jarret, Madoff, Bernanke, Serrano, Biden, Sanger, Freud,  Jackson, Sharpton, Redstone, Diller, Guccione, Stern, Madonna, Gaga.

I can get more if you need them.

N. W. writes:

Aditya wrote

“[W]here intelligent and fiercely independent minds wrestled with weighty issues and, whilst vehemently disagreeing with you, would defend to the death your right to express such disagreeable views.”

Coincidentally, I just happened to read an excellent critique of this sentiment this morning.

“How could Hitler be wrong and we be right, if it makes no difference what you believe? Nothing has so much vitiated the wells of friendliness as that unspeakably stupid statement of Voltaire about tolerance which is so often quoted: ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’ Now translate that into modern language: Voltaire would say to Hitler: ‘I disapprove of your saying that Nazism is human and democratic but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Those who are most vehement in pleas for tolerance are often those most intolerant themselves. Shall we forget that in the early days of America the most vociferous propagandists of tolerance were also those who said it did not apply to Jews and Papists?” Archbishop Fulton Sheen Seven Pillars of Peace

Laura writes:
I don’t think Aditya has thoroughly examined his premises. The most intellectually stimulating societies are those in which extreme freedom of thought simply does not exist.


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