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Furor in Baltimore over Article about Black Crime « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Furor in Baltimore over Article about Black Crime

February 12, 2014


AT World Net Daily, Colin Flaherty looks at the reaction to an online article about black crime. He writes:

Black History Month in Baltimore is a busy, busy time. Every aspect of black life in this city is remembered and celebrated: Black schools. Black music. Black movies. Black churches. Black literature. Black clothing. Black politicians. Even black trains.

Then Tracey Halvorsen had to go and spoil it all: She wrote an article about crime in Baltimore. How she and her mostly white neighbors live in fear. And no one seems to care. Or worse, lots of people think it is normal. “Baltimore City,You Are Breaking My Heart,” is going viral for an on-line magazine called Medium.com. A few quotes:

“I’m tired of being looked at like prey.”

“I’m tired of thinking about the horrifying final moments for 51 year old neighbor, Kim Leto, stabbed to death in her own home by two teenagers.”

“I’m tired of wondering why city leaders haven’t said s*** about recent horrific murders committed by children in supposedly ‘safe’ neighborhoods.”

“I’m tired of living next to a beautiful park that I’m scared to walk into at any time of day, thanks to regular stories of day-time muggings, drug dealing and gang violence.”

Much like a similar article last year, “Being White in Philly,” Halvorsen’s story contained all the requisite apologies for noticing. All the protestations about her black friends. All the denials that she was a racist.

That did not change one fundamental fact: Crime in Baltimore is a black thing. And black on white crime is a secret that is simply not discussed. Other than to excuse it as a product of white racism, that is.

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