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Homophobia Kills « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Homophobia Kills

February 20, 2014


MISS FOX writes:

The Daily Mail reports that homosexuals live shorter lives due to prejudice and intolerance. Much like the racial studies that purport the same idea, so too does this study suggest that people be ever more tolerant of a clearly disastrous lifestyle.

In societies such as Sweden and the Netherlands, where homosexuality is supported, homosexuals live shorter lives. Though this is no surprise.

The article is here. There is no mention of AIDS, drug abuse, or the many other physical maladies that are associated with this lifestyle. In the progressive point of view, it boasts a “How-can-you-possibly-do-this, you-evil-haters?” tone.

A good debunking of this silly study can be found here.

— Comments —

Ian writes:

Advocates for sodomy often claim that the high rate of suicide among sodomites is due to the prejudice and bigotry shown towards them.

However, if we look at other groups who have been persecuted in the past or in the present, do we see a high rate of suicide among them?  Were the early Christians committing suicide at high rates because of Roman persecution?  Were European Jews committing suicide at high rates because of Nazi persecution? Were American blacks committing suicide at high rates because of enslavement or because of Jim Crow? Are Middle Eastern Christians committing suicide at high rates today?

While I don’t have any data on hand, somehow, I rather doubt the rate of suicide among these groups was/is as high as it is among sodomites.  And never mind the fact that the level of “persecution” sodomites experience today is nowhere near what most of these other groups suffered.

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