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Life in the Multiracial Underground « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Life in the Multiracial Underground

February 26, 2014


IN 1997, Daniel Attila described his experience working for four years as a conductor for the New York City subway system. The piece, published at American Renaissance, was titled, “Hell on Wheels.” Attila began with this:

I was born in Hungary, from which I escaped in 1982 at age 18. I settled in New York in 1984 with the intention of becoming an artist, but after nearly a decade of struggle I realized I might never make it. In 1993 I enrolled in the City University of New York, while I supported myself for four years as a conductor on New York City subway trains. There can be only a few jobs that so quickly introduce an immigrant to the realities of multi-racialism. Beneath the streets of New York I have seen and done things that very few whites will—I hope—ever see or do.

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