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O’Malley’s Maryland « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

O’Malley’s Maryland

February 21, 2014




If the politics of Virginia grow increasingly unrecognizable to its residents, I can’t begin to imagine what the residents of our neighboring state of Maryland think of the actions of Governor Martin O’Malley. Since his election in 2006, O’Malley has taken that state into the outer fringes of the Far Left. There exists in embryonic form groups in the western portion (read: white) of the state that are considering secession, which may be just as zany as O’Malley’s policies.

O’Malley promoted and then signed the law allowing homosexual couples to marry despite the warnings of the then Archbishop of Baltimore, Edwin O’Brien. I have no doubt that O’Malley, schooled early on in Catholic schools, retains his position of prominence with the Maryland Catholic hierarchy, as does the abortion friendly Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a former nun. Governor O’Malley’s policies on immigration are equally in extremis: he has dictated that no State action will be undertaken to deport illegal aliens, whom he (incorrectly) calls, “the new immigrants.” In fact, Maryland, like Massachusetts, is “a sanctuary state.”

One consequence of Gov. O’Malley’s actions came to light recently when a Prince George’s County (a suburb of Washington, D.C.) third grade classroom skit was cancelled. Called “The Uninvited Guest,” native born and “invited” guests, that is those with legitimate visas, gather to talk about the U.S., “but the Uncle Sam character makes it clear that those who do not have visas – those who “sneak into” the party are not welcome and must leave.” Obviously surprised that there would be classroom instruction about obeying the law, the school’s “Director of Curriculum and Instruction” intoned: “We want to make sure that what (teachers) are pulling (from the Internet) is appropriate for the classroom.” Appropriate, indeed!

The idea that teaching youngsters that obeying our immigration laws is outmoded and should be replaced, no doubt, by citing the wonders of diversity only strengthens that perspective. O’Malley, in his pandering to Maryland’s large black population, and growing Hispanic numbers, is now setting his sights on federal office. He will not be able to withstand the power and money of Clinton campaign, but look for Martin O’Malley as a potential V.P. candidate in 2016, as the nation sinks further into its decline.

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