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On Abortion in Ireland « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On Abortion in Ireland

February 4, 2014


INĀ this interview by Lifesite News, Bernadette Smyth, a leading anti-abortion organizer in Ireland, talks about the recent legalization of abortion in the Republic of Ireland. After passage of an abortion bill last July, abortion is now legal in Ireland for all nine months of pregnancy whenever the mother’s life is in danger. Since depression is considered endangering the life of a mother, the bill essentially legalized abortion for any woman who wants it.

Smyth blames the success of the abortion bill on the redefinition of the issue as a human rights campaign by pro-life activists. She says in doing this, activists became mere marchers and protestors. They had degraded their cause. They had lost sense of the supernatural element of the battle. She also says Conciliar Church leaders in Ireland (that’s the false Vatican II Church, not the true Catholic Church) have outrageously accommodated pro-abortion politicians.

Her words are heartfelt and moving. “The Irish people put God out of the battle. And I think that’s really sad.”

— Comments —

Mark Slater writes:

In describing the pro-life movement in Ireland you wrote (referencing one Bernadette Smyth):

“Smyth blames the success of the abortion bill on the redefinition of the issue as a human rights campaign by pro-life activists. She says in doing this, activists became mere marchers and protestors. They had degraded their cause. They had lost sense of the supernatural element of the battle”

Do you see any parallels between the Irish human rights campaign and the American “Personhood” Fourteenth amendment-based pro-life strategy?

Laura writes:

The emphasis on “rights” is similar in both cases. Smyth is not saying that abortion is not a human rights issue, but that it’s a question of emphasis and mistakenly believing in the primacy of political action.

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