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Photos of an Olympic Skater « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Photos of an Olympic Skater

February 21, 2014


HERE is the three-times Olympic champion Sonja Henje from Norway. I will refrain from making the obvious comparisons between the way Henje is dressed and the costume of the current gold medalist Adelina Sotnikova.



— Comments —

Alex writes:

Am I the only one who happened to notice that a number of the Russian lady ice skaters, three that I saw, blessed themselves with the sign of the cross as they left the ice after their performance? Those Godless Communists at it again. As our neo-cons love to say Putin is a phony and does not care one wit about Christianity, [but] I have to say those girls looked serious to me! Naturally, no American would attempt such a thing as they would be ridiculed by our press and hounded by interviewers. I will say I can’t remember seeing the sign of the cross made in public outside of a cemetery service. Watch the remainder of the competition to see if it continues. Shocking.

Jewel writes:

Yuna Kim, South Korean skater is a Roman Catholic convert, as is her mother, and she takes her faith very seriously. She prays a rosary before she skates and donates a good portion of her winnings to charitable causes, like earthquake relief in Japan and typhoon relief in the Philippines.

I watched her performances and they were just exquisite, from her costume choices and her music. I was saddened she didn’t win the gold. One of the things I noticed was how NBC was cropping the head shots to avoid capturing the crosses the Russian girls were wearing. Up close, nothing below the chin, but shoulder shots from the sides. I find that very interesting.

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