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Two Victims of Black Crime « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Two Victims of Black Crime

February 20, 2014


SO MANY decent people have had their lives cut short by black criminals. Every one of these murders heightens the fear that reigns in American cities and causes millions of people to limit their daily activities out of fear of becoming victims too. Here are two recent examples.

Amber Long, a 26-year-old architecture student, right, was killed in January in front of her mother, left, during a purse snatching in Philadelphia. She held onto a $14 purse she had bought earlier in the day and was shot in the chest.


James Vester, a 32-year-old Iraq war veteran, was killed in December in Indianapolis while seeking to buy an iPad advertised on Craigslist. He was lured by two teenagers to a parking lot and was also shot in the chest. “Vester told cops before he died at a local hospital that the suspects took the keys to his vehicle, his cellphone, his wallet and $250 in cash…”


— Comments —

Paul writes:

Black culture is similar to Muslim and Hispanic cultures.  Many and maybe most don’t want to hurt anyone.  But once a few get political power, the masses do not criticize the few or remove them from office regardless of how outrageous their acts and omissions.  They fear the other, who is a direct threat to their power.  They don’t want to accept their lowly status, which has always been part of their culture.  And they react by any means necessary to hold onto their power.

It is vital that you keep reminding people how bad the situation is.

 Jesse writes:

According to your article, the suspect in Amber Long’s case was noted as “white and wearing dark clothing”.

Assumptions cut both ways. I agree that criminal statistics and media coverage are out of sync with reality and your general complaints about the disparities are reasonable.

But jumping the gun on Amber Long’s case, and calling it an interracial crime, without careful scrutiny of the examples you use is a disservice and only provides fodder for those who would label you as a “bigot” or “racist”.

 Laura writes:

Thank you for pointing that out, but that article is incorrect.

This video clip released by police shows the crime. Not only are the two men involved wearing white clothing, not dark clothing, but if you look closely you can see that the face of the one who attacks Amber Long appears to be black. The video offers just a split-second glimpse of his face so it is not conclusive. The police appear not to have released a fuller description. I have called this a black crime because I strongly believe it is based on the evidence.

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