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A Theory of Indian Lust for White Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Theory of Indian Lust for White Women

March 27, 2014


ADITYA B. writes:

This little kerfuffle may interest you. A CEO allegedly forced himself on a female employee who resisted his advances and he faces criminal charges, as well as a sexual harassment suit. The story has been covered by the New York Daily News and the New York Post without so much as a hint as to the alleged perpetrator’s background. Nothing. Nada.

This omission is sufficient for an astute student of The Guru to immediately discern “the issue.” The alleged perpetrator is non-white. It is a very simple trick, really, if the news source does not provide a picture of the “perp,” especially when it is a daily paper with a crime blotter section, then the perp is non-white.

The name is distinctively Keralite Christian and the quotes, liberally peppered in the paper for titillation, are so typically Indian that there is an Indian meme about it. His alleged angry words, “Do you know who I am,” and its variants are never uttered in a non-ironic sense by any self-respecting and civilized member of the Western urban upper-classes.

The media blackout on this man is so complete that I had to look up his Linkedin profile to confirm my theory. I suspect he is a Keralite Christian immigrant who managed to win a sinecure as the CEO. Having attained these dizzying heights, our good boy, if these allegations are correct, felt empowered to do the one thing that every non-white male wants to do, that thing which, in my opinion, is the prime mover behind the impetus to emigrate to America: fornicate with white women.

There is an almost-worshipful devotion to this pursuit. I simply cannot understand the time, energy and other resources that non-white males pour into their quest to fornicate with white women. It seems to me that the ultimate symbol of “success” for these degenerates is flaunting a white woman like some sort of trophy. Simultaneously, I cannot understand why white women often crawl into bed with them: Do these women not understand that they are mere objects in that person’s eyes? That he views them with the same affection that he views his Armani suits and Prada shades?

The girl is evidently Hispanic, which means she is light-skinned. For the average Indian, that’s enough. Anyone with Indo-European features and a fair amount of European blood is “white” by their standards, including Iberians, Italians, Slavs, and pretty much everyone west of the Dneiper! Seriously, that is pretty much the standard. Fair-skinned with some amount of European blood. Their obsession with whiteness is acutely embarrassing and well-documented.

As to rape, I suppose that a cold, cynical, self-loathing bastard like myself isn’t surprised when an Indian man attempts to rape a white woman. It’s the old “superiority-inferiority” complex I keep describing. Indians don’t really perceive whites as fully human. Either they view them with awe and base submission, or with sadistic lust. Most Indian men are of the view that white women are theirs for the taking and they extend that worldview to all “Westernized” women. A particularly bestial example of this mentality was provided by the young swine who literally raped an urbane 23-year-old to death.

That’s the essential problem: non-white perception of whites. They don’t perceive them as human beings. Either demi-gods or sex-toys. There is no multidimensional human perspective and the current dispensation is only aggravating things by enabling full-on white demonization. So, now you have a bunch of insecure men who spend most of their time thinking of ways to get laid, constantly brainwashed about the intrinsic evil and worthlessness of whites.

And then we wonder why they would attack white women like predators.

This can’t go on forever. There’s only so much money in the world to fuel this decadence. My greatest fear is that when the real reaction occurs, all of us will be swept up in the maelstrom. Lines will be drawn and no subtle differences permitted. I really don’t want to be around for that.

— Comments —

Alissa writes:

It’s a correct theory. It explains why an Americanized liberal Indian man like Anil Dash, a notorious tech community twit, falls over himself to support Western feminism using the social media Twitter.

Indeed, support for Western feminism just means more sexual fornication with white women. It’s right to notice that Indian culture worships pale-skinned women with Caucasian features.

Hilariously, women like Miss USA Nina Davuluri and the L.A. based actress Mindy Kaling are seen as ugly in India, but are more noticed abroad because while they’re dark skinned, they have somewhat Caucasoid features.

Laura writes:

I find it hard to believe that Nina Davuluri is considered ugly in India.

Ian writes:

Most of the Indian-born men I know can hardly muster the courage to initiate conversation with white women.  If their reason for emigrating to America is to fornicate with white women, they seem to be going about it in a very roundabout way.


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