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Drag Show at Okinawa Military Base « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Drag Show at Okinawa Military Base

March 5, 2014




The other day, in a comment about the Crimean situation, I wrote:

[NATO] has become the armed component of the United Nations’ — and post-Reagan U.S. administrations’ — Cultural Marxist drive to destroy every traditional nation and institution (European and Western ones, anyway) and replace them with … what?  …  NATO is now an agent of the cultural revolution that has been sweeping the world since the 1960s, as institutionally Leftist in its way as the old Soviet Union.

The heart of NATO is, of course, the U.S. armed forces.  Under the Obama regime, the U.S. armed forces’ slide into depravity — which one must admit began long before Barack Hussein Obama was maneuvered into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. — has been greatly accelerated.

In support of my contention about NATO, and the U.S. armed forces, I offer for your perusal this story about troops performing in drag for a fundraiser in Okinawa.

While U.S. armed forces frolic in drag, other armed forces train.  And still others do things like annex the Crimea…  Would the feminized and sodomized U.S. armed forces even be capable of conquering and securing the Crimea, were we so inclined?

Today The Telegraph reports that Communist China has just announced a surge in military spending.  Presumably most of it will be spent on weapons and training for war, not to buy Mardi Gras bangles for “military” drag-queens.

Sometimes pictures are worth lots of words.  Here is a Chinese soldier training:


And here is a U.S. airman at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa (where I was once stationed!), just offshore Communist China, preening:


Feel safer, America?

— Comments —

Alex writes:

As a USMC Vietnam vet, 66-69, I knew ONE person who was thought to possibly be homosexual, let alone to be openly homosexual. To be honest that person would have met with discharge or severe beatings to dissuade any unsavory activity. To today’s mind “severe beatings” sounds barbaric, inhumane, not American. But that’s the way we handled such things, no distractions. At the risk of being barred from commenting further I feel the same way today. We are going to lose any real war that comes up. I can feel people starting to get an inkling of possible war with Russia and they are seeing that all our posturing about gays, illegals, equality, etc., is rubbish when the bullets start flying. Watch the panic grow in our country if bullets fly as people realize the last 5 years have undone our strength and resolve. We will find only a small percentage of men ready to do the fighting, as they are now.

Spencer Warren writes:

Chuck Hagel goes to the same Georgetown hairdresser as Kerry. I know this having briefly worked in Hagel’s Senate office, which sent out ungrammatical and otherwise incorrect letters. He is indeed as dumb as he looks; his transparent posturing was on display at his confirmation hearing.

I have long used hair styling to unearth political phonies. My first impression of Clinton, in 1992, was his contrived hairdo. How shallow, I thought, he must be to do his hair up like that.

See the North Carolina Senator who cheated on his sick wife while running for president. I forget his name.

About five years ago I had occasion to introduce myself to Kathleen Willey. After I explained my hair test she said she wished she had known of this before getting mixed up with Clinton. I also said I admired her courage in standing up to him. Not easy going public against a President.

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