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Evangelists for Open Borders « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Evangelists for Open Borders

March 28, 2014




While I would like to know what Francis and Barack Hussein Obama really discussed in their meeting, the traitors in the institutional Catholic Church in the United States are crowing about how their confab should create another wonderful opportunity to eliminate the borders of the United States (and any meaning U.S. citizenship still has) altogether.

The Washington Post, editorializing heavily as usual in what it passes off as a news story, is very enthusiastic about the prospect and finds plenty of multicultural “American” Catholic functionaries to gloat over America’s pending transformation.  Which for Americans, of course, means our displacement within our own country.

Galling as it is to read of “Séan” – as he likes to style himself – Patrick Cardinal O’Malley’s leaving his archiepiscopal palace in Boston to “celebrate Mass for migrants in Nogales, Mexico,” (isn’t that straying pretty far from where Séan’s supposed to work?), it’s even more galling to see Los Angeles Archbishop José Gómez covered in a way that implies that he’s an American.  Gómez is Mexican to the very marrow of his bones.  There is nothing whatsoever wrong in being Mexican.  But I think a virtuous Mexican is loyal to Mexico and doesn’t move abroad to undermine another nation.  Americans shouldn’t pretend that Gómez, an active agent of influence of the Mexican government within the United States, is in any sense an American – no matter what passport the U.S. State Department may be stupid enough to give him.

I’m not an Americanist in Catholic terms; quite the contrary.  But I do believe Americans have a right to keep the United States an American country.  Today’s Catholic hierarchy, going right to the top, think that belief is sinfully selfish – no, make that racist (probably anti-Semitic and “homophobic,” too).  Pope Paul VI was right in 1972 about the “smoke of Satan” entering the Church; the brains of our Church’s current “leaders” are fumigated with it.

Another of the dog-collared invaders we have been so foolish as to let settle in America even presumes to lecture us about how the U.S. president can simply ignore the law to impose the desired result:

“Obama has the power to take action, and we hope the Holy Spirit will stay in his heart,” said Father Eugenio Hoyos, who heads the Hispanic Apostolate of the Catholic Archdiocese of Arlington in Virginia. “Just as the church can pardon sinners, our president can give amnesty to people who are suffering. He doesn’t need to wait for Congress anymore.” (emphasis added)

“Our president,” Fr. Hoyos?  Just who is the “our” you’re referring to?  Somehow, I don’t think the Colombian Fr. Hoyos means to include me, an American born-and-bred.  However, I do join Fr. Hoyos in hoping the Holy Spirit will take root in Obama’s heart.  I suspect Obama would be a very different man were that to happen.

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