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Exam Time is Cheating Time in India « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Exam Time is Cheating Time in India

March 16, 2014



Academic achievement in the “world’s largest democracy” involves so much cheating that the police monitor exam sites.

These are the people that U.S. high-tech corporations are seeking to import under H-1B visa and ‘training’ schemes to replace supposedly nonexistent qualified Americans – at far lower wages than Americans would command.

—- Comments —

Aditya B. writes:

This story brings back memories — specifically, memories of my own relatives offering to have someone else take these very same exams for me.

I may have mentioned that I am from a “political family.” My grandfather was a very powerful and well-connected man, and my father was an outright dangerous man – the kind of man who could force the Superintendent of a Central Prison to release a prisoner and destroy his intake papers.

That Liberals do not perceive minorities as fully human is evidenced by their glib dismissal of third-world dysfunction as “racism” or “Colonialism” is no surprise to anyone who has made the grave error of engaging one in conversation. Neither “Racism” nor “Colonialism” has anything to do with the chaotic conditions that are the status quo in India.

The average Indian has no conception of Rule of Law. It is an utterly foreign concept, like “freedom of speech” or “equality.” The average Indian only respects force and only complains when he is the victim. A favorite middle-class bugbear is “corruption;” with people solemnly intoning against the same as if it were some alien entity that has possessed the people as opposed to an integral portion of the Indian character.

In this forum and on Lawrence Auster’s blog, I have often remarked that I have no ethnic pride. People become visible uncomfortable when I say this, especially other immigrants, because I voice their darkest secret.

No immigrant is truly proud of his culture. If we had a culture that one could be proud of, one wouldn’t leave it behind. How many Danes or Swedes or Swiss immigrate? Negligible. Why would they? Do they live in the sort of nation where the government must maintain “flying squads” to prevent cheating by High Schoolers? Or where the very same “flying squads” are bombed by High Schoolers?

Once again, I hang my head in shame at the total dysfunction and shamelessness that is India. It is unknown whether these people can ever evolve into something resembling civilized creatures. For the moment, it is indisputable that India is a madman’s nightmare, a mental asylum packed with inmates of varying degrees of madness who have set fire to the very asylum in the course of their heated battle to control the same.

Indians inherited some of the finest infrastructure of Western Civilization which they tore down in less than a generation. What use are law codes, courts, police, elected representatives and so on when the people simply lack the capability to administer a modern nation? Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that Indians are reverting to pre-Colonial savagery, the sort that turned the British into stark raving bigots, of a very primitive and vicious kind?

Not that I blame the British. One cannot spend any time in the midst of the primitive attitude that reigns supreme in every corner of the subcontinent without becoming exhausted. Essentially, the average Indian lacks Civic Sense. There is no feeling of Commonwealth. Each man is truly on his own. The Law is nothing more than a tool that is utilized for personal, and thereafter, tribal aggrandizement. One sees this attitude in the micro — dumping trash on the streets or on the neighbor’s property and in the macro — the regular embezzlement of public monies by all functionaries, high and low.

And then when they don’t get their way, and when wailing and pleading is insufficient, some of the more vigorous tribes use casual violence. Whether it is policemen gang-raping “Westernized” girls or high schoolers bombing “flying squads,” the roots of the violence are embedded in a low-IQ, low-impulse control mind that only cares about itself and, occasionally, the tribe.

This mentality does not vanish with immigration. I have regularly highlighted the lack of Indian philanthropy and military participation as dispositive of the Indian apathy, and occasional, antipathy towards the West. How can we sustain a First World polity that is totally dependent on Civic Sense when we continue to import people who consider such sentiments as a form of naivete and stupidity and immigrate  solely to take advantage of well-meaning Westerners?

I am ashamed of these people. But I am enraged with Chamber of Commerce and Open Borders types who want to turn America over to them. I did not uproot my life in order to return to the Third World. It is about time that Dissenting Voices challenged these traitors by shedding light on the primitiveness and barbarism of Indian “culture,” by reminding Americans that, to paraphrase President Bush, culture does not stop at the borders: this sort of savagery will become the norm in America unless aggressive preventive measure are immediately undertaken.

Mike writes:

Your latest article on cheating in India is both interesting and unsettling. I’ve worked in technology for close to 20 years, and my personal experience working with Indians in the country on H-1B visas has usually been very positive. This is been true in analog hardware engineering, digital hardware engineering, systems programming, general software development, engineering leadership… the list goes on and on, and it spans my career.

I’m not going to claim that this is true for every H-1B visa that the country grants, but my experience has been that many of the people in this country on an H-1B visa are talented professionals and worthy contributors to our nation’s economic output.

Laura writes:

The fact that cheating on exams is a serious problem in India does not necessarily mean that Indians working in technology in this country routinely cheat. Many of those on H-1B visas are hard workers, honest and competent. But, India is a dramatically different culture. (Aditya is especially harsh, but there is no question it is a very different place.) And this country is more than just an economy. Besides, it seems there are many here who would take those jobs.

A reader writes:

The reason Western Civilization rose above blatant tribal barbarism Chrisitanity’s moral framework.  In my grandfather’s day even people who weren’t religious lived by the moral code, and the law was based on it.  Of course there were failures in individual lives and corruption in government but people knew it was wrong.  Now I wonder how much longer this nation has.

Anti-Globalist writes:

Once again, Aditya B. reveals a profound truth.

“No immigrant is truly proud of his culture. If we had a culture that one could be proud of, one wouldn’t leave it behind.”

This statement on its face is so self-evident that one would think everyone would acknowledge it as a matter of course. But they don’t, and thus the racial grievance industry uses immigrants as grist for its mill.

Aditya also rightly points out the irony and the tragedy of intelligent, thoughtful, desirable immigrants like himself working hard to escape the Third World and to emigrate to the United States legally – only to have the elites of the United States conspire to import the Third World to the United States.

Conservatives of every generation have deplored various ‘innovations’ which they believed coarsened society and were generally undesirable. Nowadays, the evils of mass communications technologies, mass air transit, and self-lobotomization of our elites (i.e., they neither know nothing nor care about history and human nature, and are proud of it) mean that the negative effects of what we’re doing to ourselves are deeper, broader, and take hold more rapidly than ever before in human history.

This time, we may just have the ability to extinguish civilization forever; not through a strategic nuclear exchange (which, while unpleasant in the areas directly affected, would *not* spell the end of human civilization), nor through some imaginary ecotastrophe; but rather through the triumph of mediocrity and the abdication and betrayal of those who ought to be the elites of our society.

Laura writes:

Regarding your first point, many immigrants have, for economic gain, left countries to which they were attached.

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