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Jorge the Humble Speaks Again « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Jorge the Humble Speaks Again

March 7, 2014



“Pope” Francis in May 2013

AS everyone on Planet Earth now knows, “Pope” Francis, the sloganeering papal impostor, has given his fifth lengthy interview in the press, proving once again that his famous humility does not preclude a seemingly insatiable love of publicity. In his talk with a reporter from the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera, Francis, who at one point approvingly quotes that great enemy of the Church, Sigmund Freud, describes some of his vision for meeting the needs of “contemporary man.” That vision is explained with characteristic ambiguity and mumbo jumbo. However, even in the dense vapor of revolutionary ambiguity, one can see that it involves divorce, homosexual civil unions, and euthanasia as acceptable innovations. In other words, it involves denial of infallible Catholic teachings, which are so much “casuistry.” Francis alludes to the Church’s previous unambiguous stand on the indissolubility of marriage, a dogma which no pope has the authority to overturn as it comes from Christ himself and which has stood as a bulwark in the modern world against the overwhelmingly destructive effects of divorce and its unraveling of fundamental social bonds, as “very superficial theology.” He thus nonchalantly dismisses 2,000 years of tradition and the sacrifices of Catholics who remained in difficult marriages to uphold that “superficial theology.” Alexander the Great was humble in comparison. Francis, as the guardian of souls, is a conqueror of a much more devastating nature.

I recommend two excellent posts elsewhere. “Divorce Bergoglio Style” by the Rev. Anthony Cekada provides context to Bergoglio’s comments on divorce and explains the revolutionary agenda behind them. And Dr. Tomas A. Drolesky at Christ or Chaos has an essay on the whole interview. He writes:

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has been masquerading as “Pope Francis” for the past three hundred fifty-nine days, is quite a salesman and marketer.

His product?


His target audience?

Everyone in the whole world.

In related news (there is always Francis news), the “Pope” has admitted to confiscating a crucifix from the casket of a confessor. His account, as reported by the Associated Press, does not include any remorse:

“And immediately there came to mind the thief we all have inside ourselves and while I arranged the flowers I took the cross and with just a bit of force I removed it,” he said, showing with his hands how he pulled the cross off the rosary. “And in that moment I looked at him and I said ‘Give me half your mercy.'”

Francis said he kept the cross in his shirt pocket for years, but that the cassock he wears now as pope doesn’t have a pocket. He now keeps it in a little pouch underneath.

“And whenever a bad thought comes to mind about someone, my hand goes here, always,” he said, gesturing to his heart. “And I feel the grace, and that makes me feel better.”

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