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Marines Prepare for Disaster « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marines Prepare for Disaster

March 25, 2014



I know it’s been a while since you wrote about the perverse goings-on at the Marine Corps bases on Okinawa, but I thought you might find this interesting.

In contrast to the so-called “Marines” donning mascara, fright wigs, and pushup bras, the young leathernecks stationed on Okinawa in this photo from the USMC official website are quite serious and intense in their training. Note that “the [pictured] training event involved evacuating simulated American citizens from a foreign nation. This type of mission can be triggered by hostile forces overthrowing a local government, an embassy being overrun, or a natural disaster.”

I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see this sort of training being conducted here in the States. Neither does it require a particularly vivid imagination to forecast this sort of “evacuation” from a “natural disaster” in this country. Consider the probability of you or your family standing with your hands on your scalp while a young Marine searches you…while you’re trying to get away from Hurricane Tyrone or a mudslide or an inner-city riot spilling into the suburbs.

I know the military can come up with a number of verbose justifications for this mindset, but think about it: why would a person needing to be evacuated from an emergency situation need to be detained and searched?

— Comments —

Loren writes:

The bad guys start a problem. The good guys come in round up all the victims. The bad guys pretend to be victims, blow up the victims and good guys in a secondary attack — a twofer plus the good guys in the future start treating all victims like bad guys. Note all the students leaving Columbine with their hands on their head. Note the over self-protective attitude of the good guys…not taking chances so some victims bleed out even though help is 50 feet away (LAX TSA shooting, Columbine, etc)

Solution: do not become reliant on outside help. Train and arm your teachers, local security, bus drivers, the common man. We did it in previous centuries. Of course we were of one culture and worldview. Take the Boy Scout’s point of view “Be Prepared” the left has made our country as dangerous as the rest of the world. Time to start taking life seriously.

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