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Mary in the End Times « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mary in the End Times

March 25, 2014


Virgin Mary Annunciate, Fra Angelico

Virgin Mary Annunciate, Fra Angelico

Providential Function of Mary in the Latter Times

It was through Mary that the salvation of the world was begun, and it is through Mary that it must be consummated. Mary hardly appeared at all in the first coming of Jesus Christ, in order that men, as yet but little instructed and enlightened on the Person of her Son, should not remove themselves from Him in attaching themselves too strongly and too grossly to her. This would have apparently taken place if she had been known, because of the admirable charms which the Most High had bestowed on her exterior. This is so true that St. Denis the Areopagite tells us in his writings that when he saw our Blessed Lady he would have taken her for a divinity, because of her secret charms and incomparable beauty, had not the Faith in which he was well established taught him to the contrary. But in the second coming of Jesus Christ, Mary has to be made known and revealed by the Holy Ghost in order that, through her, Jesus Christ may be known, loved and served. The reasons which moved the Holy Ghost to hide His spouse during her life, and to reveal her but very little since the preaching of the Gospel, subsist no longer.

—- True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis de Montfort (Tan Classics, p. 21)

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