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Cheering Phony Canonizations « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cheering Phony Canonizations

April 27, 2014



John Paul II committing one of many sacrileges against the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


John Paul II kisses the Koran

John Paul II kisses the Koran


WHO were the multitudes who cheered on the canonizations in Rome today of John XXIII and John Paul II? Atila Sinke Guimarães at Tradition in Act describes the “middle-of-the road majority” that celebrated this blasphemous demagoguery, which was a flagrant, illegitimate effort to glorify Vatican II and was in effect in homage to every religion but Catholicity because of the revolutionary ecumenism of John Paul II:

The entire world, including its Freemasons leaders, its Jewish inspirers, its almost unanimous media and its characteristics stars, are thoroughly pleased.

The great multitude of Catholics, who love the modern world, are thankful to have the conciliar Church “canonize” these two Popes who ended the “old” Catholic militancy and replaced it with a “more human” face. This new Church tolerates their bad morals and relativist beliefs. So, they are going to Rome in great exhilaration to express their approval of these Popes and the transformation of the Church into a joyful institution consonant with the World Youth Days.

This cheering majority of hedonist Catholics does not want to submit to any hierarchy and seeks approval for whatever kind of moral behavior they adopt – divorce, free-love, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, etc. They are going to Rome because John XXIII and John Paul II are symbols of this mentality.


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