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Pizza Technology: An Update « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pizza Technology: An Update

April 19, 2014


AS Lent comes to a close, many of you will be eagerly indulging in pizza delicacies once again. Truly, there is never a dull moment in the Pizza Industrial Complex, which employs tireless, brilliantly inventive engineers, so while you were away, things have been happening. In our Brave New Pizza World, time never stands still.

Boston Pizza, a Canadian chain, is floating the idea of a five-layer pizza cake and so far has received enthusiastic responses from consumers, as one would expect. This seems like a perfect party item.


Domino’s is also moving into a new frontier, having recently unveiled its chicken-crust pizza, which for a few days last week swept the airwaves, surpassing all other breaking news on the planet, as one would expect. Russell Weiner, chief marketing officer for Domino’s, announced the news. “Our new Specialty Chicken is one of the most creative, innovative menu items we have ever had. Our pizza chefs have taken chicken to a whole new level, using our unique ingredients to create these four bold flavors. There’s nothing quite like Domino’s Specialty Chicken on the market today.”

Creativity has always been Domino’s strong point.


— Comments —

Buck writes:

As an aside: Reader’s Digest published 27 Things Your Pizza Guy Won’t Tell You. They’re really just common sense rules of etiquette for a well-ordered pizza society. But, being common sense today, they must be explained. I think that the list was compiled by two journeymen pizza delivery gars, traveling on French tourist visas. Alex and Gus wrote somewhere, if I remember correctly, something about radical equality leading to individual selfishness, which then might lead to our loss of interest in the future of our descendants. It’s not sure what that has to do with pizza; maybe it was just a gut feeling?

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