White Motorist Attacked by Mob in Detroit
April 5, 2014
BILL R. writes:
Here is another predictable Detroit illustration of the truth that no good deed goes unpunished. A child stepped in front of a passing pickup truck and the driver stopped to help him. The child’s leg was broken in the accident, but the man was viciously beaten and robbed by at least eleven men. He is in critical condition in the hospital.
Isn’t it amazing that in America all one needs to do in order to know the truth about race is to simply turn statements by government officials and MSM narratives into their precise opposite? Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said of this horrible crime, “This senseless vigilante style attack is not the essence of who we are as Detroiters and will not be tolerated.” To the contrary, Mr. Mayor. It is precisely the essence of who Detroiters are. (Note also the mayor’s misuse — deliberate? — of the word “vigilante,” a word that implies citizens taking the law into their own hands while Steve Utash had broken no laws but rather was involved in an accident.) Furthermore, Mr. Mayor, as for not tolerating it, it was tolerated enough that Detroit’s white population had no choice but to hemorrhage into the suburbs lest they end up literally hemorrhaging themselves, as has this well-intentioned but misguided motorist. And I say he was misguided because you are wrong about something else, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Utash obviously did not do “the right thing by stopping to check on the boy.” Mr. Utash’s intentions were honorable and good, but, unfortunately, his location made such intentions far too dangerous to act on. Unfortunately for Mr. Utash, he lives in a culture passionately devoted not only to hiding the truth about race, but to promoting its opposite, so he acted on those intentions anyway and now has paid the price. Here is an article showing a picture of the victim, Steve Utash, with his daughter.
— Comments —
Buck writes:
The unarmed, unthinking, innocent and good intentioned Steve Utash should never have stopped and exited the safety of his moving vehicle to plunge his defenseless self in to a now agitated crowd of derelict black male malingerers.
At the end of The Bonfire of the Vanities: “If this case was being tried in foro conscientiae [in the court of the conscience], the defendants would be…” a long list of the short-sighted, foolish and suicidal white men who created this Detroit and the other cities like it.
Detroit remains a basket case, in a “financial state of emergency”. The Michigan governor appointed an emergency manager to oversee Detroit’s bankruptcy. He was given the authority over the police. Ninety per cent of Detroit murders still go unsolved. The response time of the police is remains criminal. Detroit tops all U.S. cities – five years in a row – in murders and violent crimes; ten times the national average.
Mayor Duggan says that he is working well with the city council and with the Lighting Board Authority. They will be upgrading street lights from sodium to LEDs, to meet the national illumination standards. It’s said that they will illuminate the darkest neighborhoods first.
That should do it.
Don A. writes:
Your readers may be interested to know that evidence has surfaced implicating the 11-year-old child as a willing participant in the beating and attempted homicide of Mr. Utash. The Conservative Treehouse posted a camera still showing the child in what looks like a deliberate physical position to run into the side of Utash’s truck. Yes, he ran into the side of the truck. The boy’s parents were involved in the beat-down. Of course all of this is being obfuscated by the media.