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A Review of “A Troublesome Inheritance” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Review of “A Troublesome Inheritance”

May 6, 2014


According to New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade, race is not a social construct after all. Jared Taylor, of American Renaissance, reviews Wade’s new book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History here. Taylor writes:

Any assault on dogma is welcome and laudable, and Mr. Wade will certainly take a beating for it. However, there is much waffling in this book, which was no doubt meant to ward off beatings but that, at least to undeceived readers, rings of timidity.

— Comments —

Neil P. writes:

I read the book quickly and am now doing a slower read. It’s quite good; but as Jared Taylor notes, Wade ignores the issue of intelligence even though it is the most studied psychological quality. He says that the Black/White IQ gap “need not detain us.” What about brain scan studies, regression to the mean, adoption studies, the failure of early intervention and education to raise IQ, etc.? You don’t get the rigorous science as you’d find in someone like the late P. Rushton.

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