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Anglican Gene Robinson to Divorce “Husband” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anglican Gene Robinson to Divorce “Husband”

May 4, 2014



Anglican Gene Robinson has announced he is divorcing his “husband”


It’s an indication of how far Western civilization has fallen that the phrase “divorced gay bishop” not only shows up in a Google search, but elicits no surprise, provokes no outrage, and seems oddly comforting to so many people. The “bishop” involved himself stated that he takes comfort in the fact that he and his “husband” faced the same problems any married couple face…and his abject failure to behave in a manner even distantly approximating decent makes him “jes’ folks,” as good as you and me and even better for being less judgmental. The fact that millions of people accept such claptrap without batting an eye is utterly terrifying.

Laura writes:

Since “Christian” divorce created the fundamental justification for “Christian” same-sex marriage, it is no surprise that we have “Christian” same-sex divorce. Perhaps Gene Robinson’s spiritual journey will include another “husband.” He tells us he still believes in marriage.

“My belief in marriage is undiminished by the reality of divorcing someone I have loved for a very long time, and will continue to love even as we separate,” Robinson wrote. “Love can endure, even if a marriage cannot.”

It was undiminished by divorcing his wife too. Maybe another “husband” will make it even more undiminished. Many “spouses” signifies a strong belief in marriage.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

That post about the divorced bishop had me in stitches. The photos, the article, the everything was the height of ridiculousness that I am still giggling. We will all die of extreme silliness one of these days.

Now that our dear buddy divorced bishop is ‘back on the market,’ he should consider taking a little trip to Brazil about now.

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