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“Confessions of a Public Defender” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Confessions of a Public Defender”

May 13, 2014


AT American Renaissance, Michael Smith, “a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area,” vividly describes his experience working for black defendants.

— Comments —

Bill R. writes:

It’s an excellent piece. It gives one some hope that even self-described liberals can have their eyes opened to the reality of race and racial differences. The hope is tempered, however, by the realization that Mr. Smith works daily in the very trenches of those racial differences. Most liberals, particularly those who pontificate on the virtues of integration and a multiracial society, and control and maintain this racial orthodoxy for the rest of us, are quite content to avoid partaking personally of such “virtues.” They make sure they live and work quite far away indeed from those trenches, in the sanctimony they can afford to indulge thanks to the sanctuary of very white neighborhoods and very white ivory towers.

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