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Racial Hysteria and a Corrupt Fool « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Racial Hysteria and a Corrupt Fool

May 2, 2014


BUCK writes:

The reaction to the Sterling Affair may be the most obscene and hypocritical, one-man, race-baiting hate fest of our day. Mr. Sterling is the new white face of evil. Sounds to me as if, in the particular instance, the “old fool” was haplessly trying to protect his misplaced manhood, which at his age should be based on something important. He has been paying out huge sums of money for years in order to balance the “books” on his character. The hypocrisy of the many who have benefited from his business savvy – taken his money – is to me, the obscenity. The mainstream revelations of this pathetic “old fool’s” weakness and lack of character is cringe worthy, but the punishment being meted out by a long list of appeasers and blood suckers, in this obscene full court press is Carthaginian. Mr. Sterling has been a well-known quantity for decades. It seems to me that the intensity of this opportunist outrage is a measure of the mix of hypocrisy, complicity and guilt of many who served themselves well in his sphere. They epitomize the unprincipled exception. Race-baiting is reaching into the stratosphere. It seems to be defying gravity.

— Comments —

Anti-Globalist Expatriate:

Steve Sailer has unearthed, here and here, the true motivations behind the Donald Sterling flap.

Bill R. writes:

Donald Sterling may turn out to be something less than the elites’ ideal face of white evil insofar as the “old fool” also happens to be an old Jew (born Donald Tokowitz), and leftwing Jews (who account for the overwhelming majority of Jews and a sizeable portion of the elites of whom I speak and who feel an intense kinship and ethnic loyalty toward all fellow Jews) enjoy endlessly promoting the notion that racism — along with anti-Semitism of course — is the invention and indulgence of white European gentiles. Ergo, while Mr. Tokowitz might end up being the new white face of evil, I venture he won’t be for long (though perhaps a bit longer than if he hadn’t changed his name), and not because he deserves to be or doesn’t deserve to be, but because he’s not supposed to be.

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