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A Confidence Con Job « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Confidence Con Job

May 1, 2014


Women have a confidence problem, say two very confident journalists

Women have a confidence problem, say two very confident journalists

YOU probably thought it not possible for anyone to write another page-turner about why women are less professionally successful than men  — and what they can do about it. But the subject is a bottomless well to the media’s purveyors of nonsense, who want nothing more than to make the progressive enslavement of women to money and power seem cool and exciting. Two powerful (and very confident) journalists now explain their theory that women achieve less success than men in the professional world, not because women have other important things to do, not because women are (thankfully) less competitive than men, not because women have duties to their families, not because they don’t particularly want to climb to the top, but because — ta-da! — they lack confidence. Women’s leadership conferences, the dramatic reallocation of public resources to boost feminist equality, non-stop celebration of female achievements and pervasive, bare-breasted Amazons with bulging biceps might seem to you, dear deluded reader, to be expressions of female confidence, but Katty Kay and Claire Shipman say women are actually suffering from poor self-esteem. Kay and Shipman wish that men were less successful. They want men to do worse than women. They want more for women and less for men. For them, life is a grade-school competition between the sexes and women should be confident enough to be the Super-Dooper Number One Winners.

I agree with Katty and Claire that women are suffering from a lack of confidence. Here is my advice: Be confident. Be confident enough to resist the allures of these feminist hucksters. Be confident enough to separate yourself from friends who believe in this superb nonsense. Be confident enough to be a nobody from nowhere. Be confident enough to assert that ambition is ever an ugly quality. Be confident enough to step away from the herd and be alone. Be confident and self-assured enough to say that all this materialistic play for power is utterly beneath you.

— Comments —


Mrs. Vicki Hassessian confidently writes:


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