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America the Gay « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

America the Gay

June 20, 2014


WITH the further extension of federal marriage benefits to same-sex couples today, Obama extends his breathtaking revolution. Though only 19 states permit same-sex “marriage,” it is essentially available everywhere now. The ramifications and costs — in Social Security, immigration, federal health benefits — are incalculable at this time. So is the enormous conflict that will ensue.

Sexual freedom is another name for tyranny.

— Comments —

Douglas writes:

I was speaking with a retired pastor last night. He said several of the area churches have decided they will no longer offer any weddings in their churches. When I asked why, he said it is because they know gay marriages are coming to Florida and Alabama, and they refuse to allow that in their houses of worship. That looks like the only way to maintain the sanctity of the churches.

 Dan R. writes:

Last year, reading about the Manif Pour Tous marches in Paris, it was noted that some homosexuals also participated in these protests over President Hollande’s legalization of same-sex “marriage.”  Most memorable for me was one quoted as saying, in a plaintive tone, “We’re not interested in marriage.  We just want to be left alone.”

In France. Could one even imagine a million marchers for this cause in the United States?  Yesterday’s “March for Marriage” in Washington, D.C. gave one answer, as a mere several thousand people reportedly showed, despite the presence of Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco (who drew the wrath of that devout Catholic, Nancy Pelosi).

In the face of a variety of near-revolutionary changes, the mainstream conservatives, meanwhile, continue their prattle about “American exceptionalism.”  In conversation, I find myself regularly stating that we were once a great nation.  And to those whom I feel closer, I’m more blunt: we are now a JokeNation.

Buck writes:

Douglas writes: “That [ no weddings at all ] looks like the only way to maintain the sanctity of the churches.”

Sanctity is a state of being, not a matter of maintenance. “Sidestepping” (as opposed to capitulating) belies sanctity. These feckless “churches” are refusing a great deal more than just weddings.

Terry Morris writes:

That 19 of 50 states permit same-sex “marriage” is disgraceful, an outrage, a pox on this cesspit of a country. We are practically daring the Sovereign of the universe to unleash his terrible vengeance on the entire nation. Thy will be done, O Lord.

Buck wrote: “These feckless “churches” are refusing a great deal more than just weddings.”

Notice that they’re not refusing the government’s tax favors though. “Good stewardship,” and all that. Right.

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