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Body Vandalism in Small Town America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Body Vandalism in Small Town America

June 25, 2014


DAN R. writes:

I live in a small rural town in Michigan where it seems as though every second or third woman from the age of 18 to 70 has adorned herself with a tattoo. I sometimes wonder whether nowadays there are even more women wearing tattoos than men. Today, however, took the cake. A high-functioning mentally-retarded man of about 40, who works in a local supermarket, has a new tattoo covering much of one forearm.

Are any additional words necessary?

—- Comments —-

G.C. writes:

I recently came across a Pew Research Center report that I was reminded of by Dan’s comment on tattoos. The report was a fairly in-depth look at the attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles of the Millennial generation. Among other things, it found that 38% of Americans aged 18-29 now have tattoos, almost four in ten. Evidently these rates are consistent whether you’re look at men or women, although men are more likely to have visible tattoos than women.

Not a particularly complimentary picture of my generation. But those seem to be the facts. The full report can be found here.

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