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Child Shows No Delight in World Travel « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Child Shows No Delight in World Travel

June 18, 2014


SHEILA writes:

Just thought of you and your posts about parenting when reading this at The Daily Mail. Here we have an American-born “British” mother and husband who blithely take their three year-old daughter to sea for the first phase of a planned three-year trip around the world, and they are shocked to discover that the “lack of routine, unpredictability of sailing, and inability to have control over daily events” would leave their daughter angry and defiant (note she doesn’t mention confused or frightened, which the child obviously was).

Hey, this was her parents’ “dream” come true – why on earth wouldn’t a three-year-old absolutely love being confined physically to a small deck, with no friends, no routine, and the solid earth pulled out from under her? Her mother, obviously due lots of sympathy, moaned “my life is finally a dream come true EXCEPT for the fact that my daughter has turned into a hell child.”

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

In fairness to Mrs. Brown, it should be understood that she was merely relating a passing feeling she had had about her ‘hell child’s’ temper tantrums disrupting her otherwise “dream come true” life. Mrs. Brown admits in the story that she was feeling sorry for herself when the thought occured to her.

She also says she had thoughts that “I must be a terrible mother,” and so on. But it seems that she is coping better now, and is willing, if need be, to postpone the rest of their trip until a later date. I wouldn’t tolerate the kicking, biting, smashing plates and all the rest in any event. But that’s just me.

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