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Ideologues “Repair” English Language « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ideologues “Repair” English Language

June 19, 2014


PAUL T. writes:

From the Toronto-based National Post, regarding a decision of the Vancouver [British Columbia] school board:

“…the school board forged ahead, even deciding to adopt new pronouns for those who would rather pick no gender at all. A last-minute amendment mandated that “xe, xem and xyr” may be used in place of “he/she” or “him/her.” These are “sex-neutral third-person” terms used to repair the failure of the English language to allow for 21st century gender sensitivities…In addition to new pronouns, the Vancouver board also goes to considerable length to protect “privacy,” including, it would seem, keeping the student’s chosen new gender a secret from his/her or xyr parents.”

The right to self-definition being, as we know, sacred, it seems to me that a student should also be allowed to choose ‘all of the above’ and thereby be all-gendered, and that the use of the terms “thlee, thlem and thlyr” should therefore be insisted upon. Other possibilities may be thought of and proposed, in hopes that the system will collapse through its own unworkability and absurdity.

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