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The New Evangelization: Imam Prays at Vatican for Conquest « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The New Evangelization: Imam Prays at Vatican for Conquest

June 13, 2014


Ottoman Sipahis in battle holding the Crescent Banner (by Józef Brandt

Ottoman Sipahis in battle holding the Crescent Banner; Józef Brandt

BARON BODISSEY at The Gates of Vienna reports:

A Muslim imam invited to participate in last weekend’s “prayer for peace” event at the Vatican went off-script and asked Allah to help him gain victory over the unbelievers. To Counterjihad activists this news is no big surprise. Anyone who has delved into Islamic theology and liturgical practice knows that Muslims always insert a call for Allah to defeat the infidel into their prayers. It’s as much a part of praying as “Amen” is to a Christian.

The top management at the Vatican (CEO Francis and the Board of Cardinals) were taken by surprise by what happened, since the translated script they were handed in advance by the imam contained nothing controversial. And none of them understood the spoken Arabic.

However, someone lower down in the pecking order did understand Arabic, and called public attention to the imam’s words. At first the bosses denied the imam had said any such thing. Then, when that story became untenable — or inoperative, to use a more Nixonian cadence — they changed gears slightly. They said, in effect, “Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying ears?”

Below is a follow-up story about Imamgate from the Catholic site kath.net, published yesterday (June 11) and translated by Rembrandt Clancy: [cont.]

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